Tuesday 14 December 2010

Westlife (Again) XD

Hey! Try to listen to this great song!

Boys Band: Westlife

Title: I will reach you


Try to listen to every sencetence and you will know why I love this song. Romantic lyric they have here!!! XD

Monday 13 December 2010


aaaaa........ I am SUPER DAMN JEALOUS MAN!! Jealous with a friend of mine who went to Redang Island with her bf! I just looked through her photo album, they seems had loads of fun!! arghh.......

Well... Went to a beach and wear bikini is one of my target.... BUT I don't have enough courage to wear bikini in the near future... and and I got few more months left to reach my target, as in slim down and get everything well prepared... T__________T Oh man, I wonder if I can make it in few months... arghh... so Jealous....... T__________________________T

Go, Phi!! I can do it!! If she can, why can't I?? I can and I will! humppp....

Sunday 5 December 2010


Well... I don't know what is wrong with today.... But everything seems so linked to each other...

First, Morning around 10.00 am, I got a "warning" from a friend of mine, we are quite close.. But I guess, things are going to change starting from today... Starting from that moment when I received the 'warning"... hmmm.. It is hard to explain, even I don't know what is my fault... It was just a gift, a souvenir.... Like what I am going to give to other friends.... I did NOT have any other 'motivations' behind it! arghh.... *emo*

Then...... Second one.... My mom! argh... All of sudden, she brought a case that I never have even thought about it before... Not even once... Oh my! I seriously have no idea why she brought that matter up...

However, frankly speaking, when I think back and reflect what has happened few days ago before this thing happened, I saw a connection.... The case that my mom brought might be due to Mother's natural sense. You know like mother have feeling about any bad or good things are going to happen or happening to their children. Ya... I guess what happened few days ago makes my mom got a bit worry over it... humppp....

and another surprise came from an application on Facebook, God wants you to know.. I got this message:

"Philia, we believe that God wants you to know that when whispers do not get your attention, bricks will fly your way. Don't speed through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. Slow down and be present."

You know what... the moment I read this message, I don't really get the meaning... but slowly...

I got it... the whispers...... I guess they are referring to my friend's warning and mom's advice... I got to pay more attention about my closeness or friendliness to everyone, before bricks fly over!!

Anyway, thanks to God, Mom and My friend (tho I believe this will affect our relationship)....