Saturday 25 June 2011

I have been logged in to this blog few times simce few days ago and not only that I have also hitted "new post" button few times but at the end none of the written post posted in fact I deleted those "ready-to-post" post.... =.="

So, here am I... Trying to write a super-not-important-post just to make this blog "alive"....

Writing this post while yawning countless time in my office table.... Forcing my brain to "wake-up" and let my fingers do the typing..

After so long never blog, somehow I felt so lost... Don't know what to write, because so many things have happened....... good ones... bad ones.....

I even did not write the "happy moments" that I should have documented... =.="

Too lazy to open my lappie once I got off from office... and I just not sure how long that happy will last.. coz apparently somehow somewhat at times it turned to be doubts and worries... blahh....

Okkkk..... Lets just end here... coz I really am super sleepy and enegry-less....