Friday 14 January 2011

Belated New Year


My blog is dying...... haha.... So sad to see my own blog drying up.... dying.... haha.... So...

YEAAA!! We ARE in the year 2011!! It means we have one last year before all of us DIE!
LOL.... Well.. I am joking... XD



I am SCREAMING from my office............... *I am so free and energetic* XD

Warm Greetings from SAMARINDA.....

Well... Samarinda is having a weird weather recently... Cold Cloudy ~ Hot Shining ~ Raining all of sudden.... hahaha...... Well.... That's the way Samarinda is... LMAO....

So, how did you guys celebrate new year? Did you all have great times?? Anyone coupled up on the 1st day?? or Anyone broke up??

Well.... Whatever it is...... Just keep moving.....

For those who have good times (like coupled up, meeting some cute guys or pretty girls), GOOD for you! and hope you will always have good times through out this year! XD


For those who have not so good times (broke up, got into a quarrel with your beloved ones, whaever), DON'T need to worry so much.... coz I am one of you.... LMAO....

Well.... I did not really have a good new year celebration.... and and I also end up having a small argument with my brother... haha....

BUT..... For US (those who have not so good times), CHEER UP!! This is just the beginning of 2011.... Life is like a WHEEL... Sometimes you are up high.... Sometimes you are down low.... Just try to stand firm and face whatever it is.... Keep moving forward!! and DON'T ever forget to PRAY! He is the answer! He is the Master Key..... =)

So..... Again.......

Doesn't matter if you have good times or bad times...... Doesn't matter how great was the new year celebration..... Doesn't matter who spent time with you.... Doesn't matter where were you...

The only matter is how are we going to enjoy this new year! Make a plan, work on it and reach targets! Do transform yourself to be a better person... =)

Happy Belated New Year Alll!!!

Praying that ALL of us will always be blessed in every single thing we do...

Success always!!

Stay Healthy!!

Stay Happy!!

Stay Beautiful!!

Stay Cute!!

Stay Pretty!!

Stay Handsome!!

Stay to be Yourself!! XD

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