Thursday 1 November 2012

in to a deeper thoughts

there are lot of things that i want to write here... and lots more in my mind that i cant put them in words...

there are few things that have been re-appeared in my mind...

first, those sayings of an aunt that i met accidentally in a place where they rent dresses and evening gowns.. she tried to 'read' me.. and she said about something that disappointed me... things that i wish it was said the other way round... and it was sad to know that i cant do much about it...

secondly, the ages story about my palm hand's lines... which had ruined my day for few days back then...

thirdly, the fact that friends' and families' 'speculation' has never been discussed until now...

and now (which i think wont be the last one), another aunt of mine brought up this topic a lil bit deeper... with her humorous yet explicitly meaningful stories and questions, i'm still left hanging... tho at least i knew the 'aim' of this togetherness... but still... expectation has an expiry.. just like what my aunt said about one of her friends' case... that ended with nothing....

conclusion... i'm still in the middle of nowhere... trying not to think about it and just let it flow... but still, i have set the 'expiry'.. no matter how much i wish for it, if the thoughts aren't there, it is useless....

a quote that really hits me was written nicely by a guy, he is a photographer of a well-known name, axioo is....

'....maturity doesn't come with age, rather it comes with the acceptance of responsibility'

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