Thursday 22 July 2010


It has been quite some time since my last post.. I miss my blog!! I meant it!! And I have lots of stuff to blog!! However I just cannot blog those things since I am computer-less (it is a shame for a blogger to be computer-less T__T)..

Writing this post from my super-not-smart BB while lying on my bed, hugging my pillow.. Just a moment before I close my eyes to have some good dreams, I thought of something!! Thing that has been popping up in my mind since not long time ago (about 1-2 months).. AND I have no answers (solution to my complication)!!

What if I am not as good as what you think I am?

What if my feeling towards you is just nothing more than best friend?

What if I am actually pampered by you?

What if one day I betray you?

What if one day I left you?

What if one day you found out that I am not good enough?

Would you still entertaining me??

Would you allow me to call you my friend??

Would you let me share my pain and my joy with you?


Would you still believe in me??

Thursday 8 July 2010

Reverse - Murphy's Law

Song Playing: All I have to Give

Singer: Backstreet Boys (BSB)

To me, the best thing about this song is that it delivers the meaning and the feeling of this song, or maybe it if because of my feeling fits well with this song?? haha...

But in fact, this song was a hit during 1997.

Today, July 7th at night, it was quite a surprising night for me.. An un-expected thing just happened few hours ago (point 3)...

If one of my friends once wrote a post about Murphy's Law - Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, then I think there is also a reverse of this Law - Whatever can go right will go right.

1. Eclipse Premier Ticket
July 8th will be the Premier of Eclipse at Malaysia Cinemas. Thus, the five of us wanted to get the premier ticket. Since Twilight and New Moon was a big hit, we were worry that all tickets are sold out. BUT me and another friend went to Sunway Pyramid and found out that actually no one is queuing and there are lots of ticket available... So, actually we were worrying for nothing... haha...

2. Just-in-time Helper
After go around few times inside the mall, the two of us went to Giant to buy some stuffs.... My mom asked me to buy Nespray Milk Powder, so I bought 2 packs x 1.2kgs... Besides, I also bought few supplements before I went to Giant which is quite heavy. Just right before I want to pay, a guy friend of mine came and brought those stuffs till we are home!! hahaha... So Lucky!!! I left with light stuffs... hehehe...

3. The "answered" Prayers
I once have a friend who then went study aboard.. We hardly to keep in touch due to various reasons... Then back then he is always inside my prayers.... I pray that one day we might be a friend again, though I clearly know that it is hard to be a close friend like we used to be.. BUT God is AWESOME!! He once answered my prayers, though it is not really a good start, but it happened.... and this night, another AWESOME job of God happened... (I can't really tell who and what is happening, since it is quite private to me... =p)

4. Someone is looking for me, A call from my friend, Efforts showed by my friends.... XD

5. Win a game card
Playing games while waiting for time to passed, I won the game... Thus, I will get a FREE popcorn for Eclipse show!! =p

Point 1 and 2 have lifted up my mood and point 3 and 4 are other boosters and point 5 is the compliment... I am happy happy and happy.... =p

Whatever can go RIGHT will go RIGHT!! Just put your FAITH in God's plan.... He knows the best plan! =p

The reverse of Murphy's Law is God's Law! XD

~~ FAITH ~~ LOVE ~~ HOPE ~~ PEACE ~~

Sunday 4 July 2010

Tremble - Struggle - EMO

humppp... After vacuum for quite sometime and enjoying my trip to Bali, Malaysia, and Singapore, here I am, back to Subang Jaya, Malaysia..

emo-ing, tremble-ing, struggle-ing since few hours ago.. WHY?? I do not know... It is just un-explainable, un-describable feeling that I felt....

hoping for the best
praying for the best


yet I am still hoping for something to happen... though I have told myself so many times to make it clear!!

somehow, somewhat, this story is getting clearer and clearer....

someday. sometime. this story is reaching the end, the final ending.... soon enough...

Happy ending??

Yap!! I believe this story will have a happy ending, from which it will be a new beginning of another more challenging-happy-ending-story.... =)