Thursday 22 July 2010


It has been quite some time since my last post.. I miss my blog!! I meant it!! And I have lots of stuff to blog!! However I just cannot blog those things since I am computer-less (it is a shame for a blogger to be computer-less T__T)..

Writing this post from my super-not-smart BB while lying on my bed, hugging my pillow.. Just a moment before I close my eyes to have some good dreams, I thought of something!! Thing that has been popping up in my mind since not long time ago (about 1-2 months).. AND I have no answers (solution to my complication)!!

What if I am not as good as what you think I am?

What if my feeling towards you is just nothing more than best friend?

What if I am actually pampered by you?

What if one day I betray you?

What if one day I left you?

What if one day you found out that I am not good enough?

Would you still entertaining me??

Would you allow me to call you my friend??

Would you let me share my pain and my joy with you?


Would you still believe in me??

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