Friday 29 April 2011

the outsider... the stranger... the left one...


am I??

am I the outsider??

am I the stranger??

am I the one who left them??

or should

I put am I the one left out??

am I?? am I?? am I??

am I?? after so many years? am I??


and I just can't feel the feeling of closeness any longer..

it is like tasteless..... plain..... flat.....

it is like the only reason I keep this 'relation' is because of those years we have spent together.. it is like duty to keep this 'relation'... something that I must keep tho it is tasteless... feeling-less....

and the ironic thing is that..... my goal is just so contradicting....... I shall pity myself now..... pathetic..... ironic.....

but still........

am I??

am I??

coz I feel somehow I am the one that caused this happened due to some 'idealism'....... which now come to think of it, it is kinda right... kinda wrong....

anyway... things has happened.... no matter how many times I think about this..... no matter how much time I spend to settle this.... I just can't do much..... I can't help it... but to go on..... coz too much parties involved in this so called 'relation'...

to settle this...... lets just blame me..... coz I wasn't able to keep this feeling.....

Thursday 21 April 2011


today my hair was like a broom, flat - oily face like a fying pan, sleepy eyes with dark circle and eye bags, and and I got so many things going on around....

but the funniest thing was that I keep on thinking of something,,,, from the moment I woke up till this moment when i am writing this post... something that I really am don't know why it is keep on appearing..... but I think I know what it is... hahaha.... contradicting myself... LOL...

then, when I got home late from work, my house was having electicity cut! wow.. I was "shit, why no electic?"..

but then, after a short "kai kai", I came up with an idea! haha... and since than my mood is lifted up and and also because of those people who really bings my mood back... thanks alot! *hugs*

12:21 on April 21 2011.. XD

Welll.... My watch show 12:21 on 21 April 2011!!

Yay!! I finally turned to be 22 years old!! ahaha..... Feeling so old eventhough it is just adding a small number, ONE.... huhuhu....


I am not really sad about turning to 22!! In fact I am glad that I have finally one more step further to adultness..

Welll...... Many people said adulthood is not fun, but what can you do about age?? Can you just return to baby or teens again? NO, you can't, right? So, why don't you just enjoy whatever it is.... just walk, just go with the flow.. =)

hahay! I am talking as if i am a pro... I am not!! hahaha.... I just just wanna be thankful to God for giving me chance to be alive, here, now....

Thankful for the family that He has chosen for me
Thankful for friends that He has given to me
Thankful for whatever good or bad experiences in my past that has shaped me to be who I am now..... =D




Thankful for whatever that He has planned for me!

You only have one chance to be alive for who you are... There will be no second chance... So, come on.... move on..... leave your past behind... let your past be your history... let your past teach you on how precious life is! let your past give color to your life!! XD

SO... yaaa....... Thats allll from me....... I have not really writing a post since few months agooo.. hahaha..... and I found that my english is getting sucks! LOL.... so sad.. huhuh....

Anywayssss...... for whoever in this world who share the same birthday with me,,,,,,


May this year will be a better year than the previous ones! and lets continue to 'write' great stories in our life!! XD

*hugs* *kisses* XOXO

Wednesday 20 April 2011

My Thought!!! My Mind!!!

"Whats on your mind??" well... travel travel travel.. travel here and there... go here and there.... imagine if i were here and there... here and there.. here and there... here and there... my thought right now is here and there.... my mind is there, but body is hereee... cheeeeeh..... =.=" I am dreaming now...

Saturday 16 April 2011

Priceless and Irreplaceable

If I got the chance to travel in time,,,
I would like to return to my life few years ago...

Not to change a single thing,,
I want to experience the whole thing one more time...

Those days,,,,,
Those laughs,,,,
Those tears,,,,
Those conflicts,,,
Those arguments,,,,
Those kindness


priceless and irreplaceable....