Friday 15 July 2011

The Netherlands

Yeahh..... One of my dreams has finally came true on Mach 2011!

That dream was to backpack to EUROPE!!

It was a 17 days trip which has covered:

#The Netherlands#Germany#Switzerland#Italy#Vatican#Monaco#France#

Lets start with The Netherlands.... =p

Amsterdam is the first touch down! The four of us, call it W, M, F and P (initials) flew all the way from Jakarta (CGK) to Dubai (DXN), Dubai (DXN) to Amsterdam (AMS) on March 10th 2011, 00.25 a.m by UAE. We arrived at Schipol International Airport on March 10th, 14.00 p.m.

First day, March 10th

Looked around at Amsterdam City and we found this place called SEED BANK.

Marijuana Shop

Amsterdam is very famous with 3 things that are Legal here, but illegal out-there. The first was the Marijuana (above). Second is the Sex Life; marriage of same gender, legal prostitution (below).

red-light district

Second day, March 11th

We decided to go to Volendam with the local tour... Why? Because it is way cheaper and you have access to the Cheese Factory that you cannot access if you go by yourself.

our tour ticket

the scene on the way to Volendam

The third famous thing of The Netherlands is that The Windmills! =D

the windmills, Volendam

sight-seeing around

Visiting Anne Frank Huis right after we came back from Volendam. It was a very quick visit. We finished the whole house of Anne Frank in less than 30mins.. LOL

Anne Frank huis

Me, from the old times at Volendam, The Netherlands. =)

That's all for The Netherlands. I know that this is a very short review and not many photos are posted here.... Well.. It is because I have too many photos to posted! LOL... That's why I narrowed it down to fews and short... =p

So..... I am still looking forward to be in The Netherlands again one day, to explore different city... and Keukenhof!! I have not been there... T.T. I will, one day! =D

in mind: "solo traveling!"

"hey... how are u?" that a very classic question to approach your long-lost-friend... Just like what I did just know... wwkwkwk..

Well.. after so long never online on MSN, I finally logged on... and taadaaa.... One of my long-lost friend called me......... and yeah.. we are having chat now... kekekeke...

We talk about this and that... this and this... that and that... Well.. Most of the topics are about working life! LOL.... and we are encouraging and motivating each other... We also talk a lil bit about traveling.. =p

Talking about traveling, I am thinking of going for a solo-traveling.......... oh yeah! I really really want to make it! XD

I am craving for a sweet-great-escape! Kinda tired of this routine.. Gotta find something new...

Well.. It has been my dream to go for a solo-traveling... It doesn't have to be a far escape... All I need is the quality and the experience... But of course the safety too.. Since this will be my very first time and I am a female!

So, I came up with these places in mind:

* Cambodia - Vietnam #This will be the not safest destination as compared to the oter 2 options below. But I don't need a VISA to enter to these 2 neighbourhood countries. Also these 2 countries are the cheapest option.. *budget constrain* =p#

* Hongkong - Macau #Well.. HK.. Not really interested to go here tho. But then this is the possible dest I could think of. No VISA is required and not so expensive and english-speaker-friendly#

* New Zealand #Oh my! Definitely NZ is in the top list of mine and the safest dest of the 3 options.. But too bad.. it is not cheap to get here andddd...... VISA! Damn VISA! Why Indonesian need VISA to get there? T.T#

oh mann...

I wonder if I could make it.. Getting permission is the hardest part.... =(

But still... I am working on it.. I will be doing some research first... hahay! =D

Well.. I am off for work now.. I have logged off from MSN toooo.....

Somehow distance makes you closer to a long-lost friend... =D... hohoho

Monday 11 July 2011

Hey! I am still at office!!

Hey Hey Hey!!

Yeahh... Just like the title says, I am writing this post from my office table with my Black-VAIO! Oh great....!

If some other people are 'trapped' at theirs office due to over-loaded works to be done, then it is definitely not the reason behind my case...

Well.. I am trapped here-at my office-due to the superb rain that has been showering my lovely hometown, Samarinda since few hours ago and the 'best thing' about it is that almost every inch in my hometown are flooded!!!! and I drive a Honda Jazz which has a lower GC (Ground Clearance)!

So... Yeah.... I 'trapped' here due to the floods!


Now, I am starving! but nothing to eat other than 'Disco Peanuts' that my aunt gave as a souvenir from Bali.... Awesome! =.="