Friday 15 July 2011

in mind: "solo traveling!"

"hey... how are u?" that a very classic question to approach your long-lost-friend... Just like what I did just know... wwkwkwk..

Well.. after so long never online on MSN, I finally logged on... and taadaaa.... One of my long-lost friend called me......... and yeah.. we are having chat now... kekekeke...

We talk about this and that... this and this... that and that... Well.. Most of the topics are about working life! LOL.... and we are encouraging and motivating each other... We also talk a lil bit about traveling.. =p

Talking about traveling, I am thinking of going for a solo-traveling.......... oh yeah! I really really want to make it! XD

I am craving for a sweet-great-escape! Kinda tired of this routine.. Gotta find something new...

Well.. It has been my dream to go for a solo-traveling... It doesn't have to be a far escape... All I need is the quality and the experience... But of course the safety too.. Since this will be my very first time and I am a female!

So, I came up with these places in mind:

* Cambodia - Vietnam #This will be the not safest destination as compared to the oter 2 options below. But I don't need a VISA to enter to these 2 neighbourhood countries. Also these 2 countries are the cheapest option.. *budget constrain* =p#

* Hongkong - Macau #Well.. HK.. Not really interested to go here tho. But then this is the possible dest I could think of. No VISA is required and not so expensive and english-speaker-friendly#

* New Zealand #Oh my! Definitely NZ is in the top list of mine and the safest dest of the 3 options.. But too bad.. it is not cheap to get here andddd...... VISA! Damn VISA! Why Indonesian need VISA to get there? T.T#

oh mann...

I wonder if I could make it.. Getting permission is the hardest part.... =(

But still... I am working on it.. I will be doing some research first... hahay! =D

Well.. I am off for work now.. I have logged off from MSN toooo.....

Somehow distance makes you closer to a long-lost friend... =D... hohoho

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