Friday 15 July 2011

The Netherlands

Yeahh..... One of my dreams has finally came true on Mach 2011!

That dream was to backpack to EUROPE!!

It was a 17 days trip which has covered:

#The Netherlands#Germany#Switzerland#Italy#Vatican#Monaco#France#

Lets start with The Netherlands.... =p

Amsterdam is the first touch down! The four of us, call it W, M, F and P (initials) flew all the way from Jakarta (CGK) to Dubai (DXN), Dubai (DXN) to Amsterdam (AMS) on March 10th 2011, 00.25 a.m by UAE. We arrived at Schipol International Airport on March 10th, 14.00 p.m.

First day, March 10th

Looked around at Amsterdam City and we found this place called SEED BANK.

Marijuana Shop

Amsterdam is very famous with 3 things that are Legal here, but illegal out-there. The first was the Marijuana (above). Second is the Sex Life; marriage of same gender, legal prostitution (below).

red-light district

Second day, March 11th

We decided to go to Volendam with the local tour... Why? Because it is way cheaper and you have access to the Cheese Factory that you cannot access if you go by yourself.

our tour ticket

the scene on the way to Volendam

The third famous thing of The Netherlands is that The Windmills! =D

the windmills, Volendam

sight-seeing around

Visiting Anne Frank Huis right after we came back from Volendam. It was a very quick visit. We finished the whole house of Anne Frank in less than 30mins.. LOL

Anne Frank huis

Me, from the old times at Volendam, The Netherlands. =)

That's all for The Netherlands. I know that this is a very short review and not many photos are posted here.... Well.. It is because I have too many photos to posted! LOL... That's why I narrowed it down to fews and short... =p

So..... I am still looking forward to be in The Netherlands again one day, to explore different city... and Keukenhof!! I have not been there... T.T. I will, one day! =D

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