Monday 11 July 2011

Hey! I am still at office!!

Hey Hey Hey!!

Yeahh... Just like the title says, I am writing this post from my office table with my Black-VAIO! Oh great....!

If some other people are 'trapped' at theirs office due to over-loaded works to be done, then it is definitely not the reason behind my case...

Well.. I am trapped here-at my office-due to the superb rain that has been showering my lovely hometown, Samarinda since few hours ago and the 'best thing' about it is that almost every inch in my hometown are flooded!!!! and I drive a Honda Jazz which has a lower GC (Ground Clearance)!

So... Yeah.... I 'trapped' here due to the floods!


Now, I am starving! but nothing to eat other than 'Disco Peanuts' that my aunt gave as a souvenir from Bali.... Awesome! =.="

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