Monday 27 September 2010

A Blog as A Diary

Uhmmmm.... well.. I think I shall write a diary for each day... Something is not right with my brain and my feeling.... You know what.. It is not even a month, but I have forgotten what happened on the 18th of this month.... huff.... On that day I wrote a post, but I did not finish it (a draft)... There is only a single sentence in the draft, "Today is AWESOME"...

Just now, before I wrote this post, I look at that particular draft, but I cannot remember what was the awesome things happened.... The only thing I remember from the day (18th) is that my friend's wedding party which turned out to be NOT fun.... And because of that wedding party I absent from Fina's birthday dinner.... That's all I remember.... I remember that from morning till office hour ends, my feeling was in great mood, but I just cant remember what has happened.... huff.... So regret I did not complete my draft on the spot....

Thus, from now on, I decided to write a summary on each day on this blog (but doesn't meant I will post everything I wrote).... I will just keep it as a draft if it is too personal.. =)

So, I will treat my blog as my personal diary.... =)

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