Wednesday 1 September 2010

September 1st

OMG OMG OMG..... First day of September!!!

Guess what......?? I have been "blaming" a person throughout my way to office this morning...... Can he act more MAN??? OMG OMG OMG!!! arrgghhh.......

Actually the whole thing is not mainly his fault...... Part of it is because of my pride!! hahahahaha...... and now I am regret..... hahahaha.... stupid!!! stupiddd stupidddd..... T___T

I was hoping while "blaming" him... hahahaha...... Well.... we will see how real is my wish.. The time limit is just few days away, September 5th.... T___T

Hope my wish come true!!!

*hoping hoping hoping* >.<  

Is it worth my pride?? Oh shit!!! idamnsuperconfuse!! Y.Y I do not know if I should feel excited or confuse... hahaha.....



  1. ooh...ini toh alasannya,haha...maklum lah..namanya jg lg jatuh cintrongg,haha..

  2. yepppp... tp ak mo jujur... ini rada bias sich.... hahahaha....
