Tuesday 31 August 2010

August is ending soooooonnnnnn

Awwww Awwww Awwww........ August is ending soooonnn..... and I have not reached my target yet!!! I almost get to my target, but I turned back, coz coz coz...... lot of unexplainable reasons... hahaha..... But.... WAIT..... I still have few more hours before August is really end.... *hoping hoping hoping* hahaha.... XD

Anyway..... August really was a month full of emotions...... happy ~ sad ~ worry ~ surprise ~ shock ~ disappoint ~ angry ~ fed up ~ upset ~ confuse ~ scare, all sort of feelings I have experienced through out this year's August.... XD

Those feeling were not so bad tho.... =)

~ I learned lots of new stuff....

~ Met new-fun friends...

~ Got my DSLR, CANON 550D.... *awww.... so happiee.... XD*

~ Got to know how ugly a truth can be.... *tears*

~ Learned that life will never free from insincere....

~ Learned to surrender everything to God.... Let God's plan works on me.....

~ Knew how worth is a drop of tear....

~ Learned how special and unique a moment is.... even the worst moment is special, coz you will never go back to the same moment with the same feeling....

~ Learned that life is also never get away from "make use of xxxx" hahaha.... well... we are human, we have ego..... =p

Sooo.... I would like to end August with a warm hug, and welcome September with a big-bright-smile on my face and say "Hi, September, lets make some wonderful moments together..." =D

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