Wednesday 18 August 2010

'FangShen' and Vegeratian Bazzar

So far, August is still a emo-month to me... Despite of everything happened till today, yesterday was a great day!! The WHOLE day was great!

Yesterday, in the early morning, 6.30 am, I joined a Buddhism activity, named 'FangShen'. It is an action to let the animals free... humpp.... I don't really know how to explain.. haha...

Ok... At first we choose a certain animal, usually we 'FangShen' Birds, Turtles and/or Fishes. Then we buy the choosen animal(s). Once we buy, we go straight to a place to free the animal(s), pray for them, then let them free!! That is all... haha... Seems so easy rite... But your heart and will counts.... =)

Sooo.... Yesterday, we decided to 'FangShen' both Fishes and Birds. All of us gathered at Fera's house, Nahkoda Street.

Some of us go by car, some by motorcycle... =p

The place where we will let the Fishes free, Mahakam River's side...

Prayers.... I did not take part, since I am a Christian... The reason I was there is because I do not want to stay at home, do nothing! So, I joined them and took all these photographs... =p
and of course I want do some good 'Karma' =)

Time for the fishes to be free.... =) Hope they will grow bigger and be healthy fishes... =p

GROUP picture session! XD

Next, we are heading to Ekayana Buddhist Temple.. We play and took some photos while waiting for our friends (who went to buy Birds) come.. =p

So, same thing applies... pray and then let them free... Easy huh... =)

Thennnnn.... My brother, Grandmother, Aunt, Fera and I directly heading to another Buddhist Temple to visit Vegetarian Bazzar... =)

Overall, it was a good experience... I met new people, learn new things and most important is I did a good 'Karma'... =)

After that we went home.... Then... I got a celebration with another gang of mine (Indonesia's Independence Day!!!!..) =p

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