Tuesday 3 August 2010

Blood Type and the Characters

I have been posing emo stuffs lately.... My emotion is overwhelming these few days.... and it swinging here and there.... and this morning, suddenly my mood lifted up just because I have a good chat with my friend's parent... It was a short chat, but it was good! =p

and and and, the funniest thing that just happened few minutes agooooo is that......

My grandmother took all the trouble to call me at office, just to introduce me a guy which I already knew long long time agoooo.... ahahahahaha.... Sorry, grannie.... XD

By the way..... A friend of mine send me this "Characters based on Blood Type"

Blood Type A:
* Serious, Patient, Calm or Cool
* Assertive, Depandable, Trustable, but Stubborn
* Full of judgement and planning. Consistent and serious in working on something
* Trying to be as ideal as possible (idealistic person)
* Sometimes love to be alone and stay away from people
* Love to cover their feelings to be seen as tough person. Easily get nervous
* Strict towards people who do not share the same opinion as them

Blood Type B:
~ Wants to know more
~ Have lots of hobby. Easy to get excited but also easily get bored of it
~ Picky
~ Wants to be the number one, but once they have something else to do, they tend to focus on that thing
~ Looks happy and enthusiast even though they have different opinion
~ Do not like to mingle around

Blood Type O:
` Took part in harmonization
` Able to cover their feeling, thus always look happy
` Kind and care about others, not stingy
` Stubborn and hold a stand
` Flexible and easily adapt to new stuffs
` Easy to be influenced
` Trustable but not careful enough
` Many people love them

Blood Type AB:
# Sensitive and soft
# Caring
# Strict to themselves and people who close to them
# Tend to be seen as two-faces
# Love to think something in deep
# Have lots of friend, but loves to be alone


I am a A person:

* Serious, Patient, Calm or Cool

~~ I am Cool! ahaha.... Some people said I am a patient person, but I think I am not! haha....=p ~~

* Assertive, Dependable, Trustable, but Stubborn

~~ I am dependable and depended! and I am a super stubborn person!! lol XD ~~

* Full of judgment and planning. Consistent and serious in working on something
~~A little bit... XD ~~

* Trying to be as ideal as possible (idealistic person)

~~ I am!! I do not know how to explain, but this is so me! XD ~~

* Sometimes love to be alone and stay away from people

~~ Yap! Sometime I love to be alone, think about something, and enjoy to walk around alone tho many of them worry and insist to keep me accompanied... XD ~~

* Love to cover their feelings to be seen as tough person. Easily get nervous...

~~ Seriously, this is SO me! I used to have few presentations and I easily get my palm wet, coz I am just tooooo nervous to talk in front of many people... T________T... Love to be seen as tough person??? ya, somehow! ~~

* Strict towards people who do not share the same opinion as them

~~ SUPER me! hahaha ~~

Try it! =p


This is just for FUN.... Not necessary to be accurate!

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