Sunday 1 August 2010

Who is "that" guy?? =p

It was just few minutes ago I got something to blog about, but it went off from my mind! hahaha.. Nevermind, let's start with another emo topic!

This afternoon, I went to my cousin's saloon for "luluran" (scrubbing session) then she asked me about my graduation's photos..

She asked me if the guy who was together with me in few photos is my boy friend??

Then.. I was blank for few moments before I finally answered NO to her question..

"We are CLOSE friend.. Tho we spent quite-many-quality-hours together, but we are not more than close friend..

We share stories, experiences, laughs, tears, studies, and thoughts, which I really hope this will last forever!! Coz he is one of a kind that is hard to find! =p"

I told my cousin something like what I wrote here, and she asked me another "bombastic" question..

"Can you have a close-boy-friend with no feeling towards him?"

What you all think about this question?

For guys, put this question into the other way round.. Can you have a close-girl-friend with no feeling towards her?

Can you??

I once red an article similar to this question from a magazine which I can't remember what magazine was that?

However, that magazine did not really answer this question!

Well.. Same goes to me! I don't have an answer with me right now!

But I do really think that boys are made for girls, and girls are made for boys!!

Help me to think for the answer, I'm still owing my cousin one answer plus the reason! Ahahaha..

Talking about my graduation's photos, my mom does not know about this, and I hope she will never know!! Coz I am SURE, she will be super-duper-very unhappy about this!! Ahahaha..


  1. phil, i got the same question (about the guy)! and i asked Widya about it (i'm sorry, i'm too curious, that's because i'm a B person: *Wants to know more*, so it's not my fault right? hahaha..).
    and for your question, i think the answer is YES, but it depends, of course :P

    -Lee GaGa-

  2. hahaha... of course it is not your fault!

    actually my Aunt was asking me about that guy.. and I gave her the same answer... hahahha....

    so, for the sake of my peace, I have blocked everyone from seeing that particular folder! hahaha...

    well... regarding ur ans to my question... I have a in-between-yes-or-no-answer! hahaha.... Thanks anyway.... XD
