Saturday 7 August 2010

Type of Guys

aaaaaaa.. It is Saturday night and yet I am here, rotting at my super messy single room!! My God, I am just wondering when a prince will come and bring me to a castle! Ahahahaha.. What a pathetic thought! I am not a princess, how can I get a prince???

Well.. At first I wanted to hang out with some friends of mine, but my niece came right after I took bath, so I choose to play with her!! Hehe.. She is just too cute to be ignored.. Hahaha..

Anyway, since I am rotting at my super messy single room (due to some technical reasons), my mind suddenly recalled back something that happened few days ago.. It was either Monday or Tuesday, a guy-friend asked me 'what is your bf-type?'.. Then.. I was silent for quite sometimes till he asked me again the same question!

Well.. 'I do not know' that was the 1st sentence that popped up in my brain! Hahaha.. I'm not kidding! That was really really the very first sentence that came in my mind!! Then he was asking me if I am sure about my answer.. YES, I am!! I seriously do not know what type of guy that might make me fall for him!! I really am clueless!!

He then asked me again 'isn't it every girl has her so called, dream guy?'

hmmm.. Ok.. Well.. If you asked me about my dream guy, then I have him in my mind!!

Heloooo.. If you asked me this question, I will just blabbering everything that I want and make him the best and most perfect guy ever in this world!! BUT is he real? NOPE!! Such guy does not exist in this world!! So, please be more realistic!!

Then now.. I am thinking about my friend's question..... Thinking about this makes me to think about the two guys who really were something to me... Who are they?? They are somebody who have changed me! Both of them have similarities, but they are not the same!! Anyway... Though I know how similar and different are the two of them, I still do not understand and have no idea why them, why not others?

hummppp..... No matter how long I tried to find it, I just can't get the answer! I guess it is because I am a person who goes by my feelings, not by my logic!!


  1. who is that guy who asked you?? should be meeeee.. I've asked you this question!! and of course I answered it myself, hahaha.. definitely your type is "balbalan boys":

    -they like balls! soccer, basketball, and "kasti" maybe? haha..
    -they like strings! musical instruments like guitar. so(k) romantic! haha..
    -they like plain clothes! anything with one color and simple.
    -they are quite a shy person and don't talk much.
    -they are not too smart, unfortunately.

    (source: Lee's Guide to Boys: How to Turn Yourself into a Lanjie Girl, page 12)

    -Lee GaGa-

  2. hahahaha... I know u have asked me this question before. But the guy in this post is not u. Sorry to said that. haha... He is a friend of mine, we met few months ago. hahaha....

    and and ... thanks for reminding me! YAP!! of course my guy have to be able to play and love balls.... I mean, he has to be a sporty guy! ahahaha....

    hahahaha... Lee... I guess I know who you are referring to.... The Skin Doctor, right?? hahahahaa..... I tell u, he is not romantic at all, ok! hahahahaha...

  3. of course not! it's just coincidence that skin doctor has the same criteria, hahaha.. it is pure from my book and my theory :P

    -Lee GaGa-

  4. hahahaha.... I tell u what?? your theory does not really work on me.. haha.... the 2nd guy is out of ur theory... hehe....

    but u are right, I kinda like a guy who is a little bit "balbalan".. hahahaha..
