Monday 2 August 2010

Bye July, Welcome August!

July just passed 34 hours ago! To me, July was a great month! Why?

* I spent almost the whole July in Subang, Malaysia..
** I had GREAT times with my friends (both Malaysian and Indonesian friends)
*** I met some new-nice-friendly-people..
**** I learned some new stuffs...
***** Had quality-times with myself! haha.. thinking and reflecting....
****** Got to know that life is full of surprises....
******* Got to know that WORLD is small....
******** Got to talk with my US friends, tho it was for few minutes due to BAD connections! Miss ya'll....
********* Able to see and understand how precious and important a friend can be?
********** Learned how to sacrifice willingly...
*********** Able to see things from another perspective...
************ etc etc etc which I cannot type it all....

So.... July was a great GREAT great month to me!

Is August going to be another GREAT month to me?

Hope so.... Really hope so!

First day of August was great.... I went out for a small gathering (8persons) and had a good chat with each other...

Besides, I started this month with a dinner with my two brothers, my second and third bro! We hardly to have dinner together, other than Chinese-New-Year-Eve-dinner! And that night, we really had good chat! Love you, broooss... XD

So.... I really wondering what will happen this month... but I am sure, August will be something to me!! I am hoping that those thing are joyful things!! =)

Soo... WELCOME August!!! Hope this month will be another great month! =)

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