Thursday 12 August 2010

Day 2

Another boring day!!!

and I want to eat sushiiii!!! sushiii!! sushiii sushiii sushiii.... I miss Zanmai Sushi so badly!! Gimmie sushiiii!!! T__________________T

:::: Day 2's Record and Plan ::::

Morning: Meal Replacement + 1/2 chicken rice (I should not have rice after meal replacement!! Gosh!)

Lunch: Mo Mom's cooking, as always.....

Dinner: Meal Replacement ONLY! I hope.....

Exercise: Going to Borneo Gym Centre.. =)


:::: Day 1's Actual ::::

Lunch was OK, but dinner, I had CHOCOLATESsss, Ferrero Rocher & Hersey's... Just cannot fight the temptation!! hahahaha.....


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