Sunday 19 September 2010

Deep Blue Sea

Maybe listening to "wish upon a star" - Barbie was not a good thing at this moment.... =p


To be frank, I am happy for a friend of mine who just coupled up with her old friend... Seeing how happy they are, I am happy.... =)


Things started to change when........ erm.... When.... Don't know..... hahaha...

So... Yap! My feeling was suddenly went blue, deep blue... Like deep blue sea.. Where you might not able to see and feel.... Yap.... That is what exactly I feel now... =)

I have been thinking so many times to isolate myself in a place where no one knows me... No one knows my families.. No one knows my friends..... A pure new place to stay... But where??? I am not going to stay there for forever.. I just want to test myself, my families, my friends and others..... Well... I know it is a selfish thing to do... but.. I don't know... I just feel like trying.. =)

Well Well Well.... Another thing that came up in my mind is...

I remember a friend of mine told me something about a love fate (according to Chinese Custom)........... Lets start from the conversation between a friend of mine and I....

Y: Why a girl that is not considered as pretty or smart or sexy (hot) or cute has a boyfriend, whereas us do not have a boyfriend yet??

P: Haha.... Those things are relatif... Depending on one's taste or preference... Some might think that girl is not pretty, but some might think she is pretty... Why you suddenly think about this stuff?

Y: ermmm.. I think this is a fate.... Chinese believe that every girl has "xxx" (which I can't recall back what is that)... When a girl has lots of "xxx" then lots of guys will go after her regardless her smartness or outer look... vice versa

P: Really?? It is a superstition, isn't it?? but... maybe...

After a long tought..... I came out with an conclusion..... Actually another friend of mine who has enlighten me... (thanks, Ah Gong... =p)... so... The conclusion is that............. ermmmm...... she has a skill to xxxxx whereas us (Y and P) are lack of that skill...... I don't know if it is right to call it skill.. hahaha..... Maybe it is a talent, a gift.... =)

Anyway... I am grateful for who am I.... =D

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