Saturday 25 September 2010

John Photography School

After so long never open my blog, I have tons of stuff to write.... But I can't throw everything in one post right?? coz it will be a big mess.. hahaha....

Ok... So....

On the 2oth, I flew to Surabaya to go see doctor.... Then... I brought my SLR camera along since I have planned in my mind to go for photography courses... Well... I did.... I just completed the 3-days photography course... XD

I started my class on the 22th and ended on the 24th which was yesterday! =)

I took the class at John Photography School... He is a Commercial Photographer, but I think his name is not really big in photography world... But.... Well.... I took his classes... =.="

Ok... Fine..... Initially I wanted to take Darwis Triadi Class, but the weekend (2-day) class is not available this month... So, I went to goolge and start to find another school... then I found John Photography School...

Reason I took his class:
* I have brought my camera along
* Don't want to waste time in Surabaya by doing nothing
* When I found this John's website, I was so surprise coz a friend of mine is actually an alumni..
* His class is the shortest one among the other available classes

So... That is it... hahaha...

John"s class was not bad... It was quite good though.... =p I learned quite number of new stuffs... hehehe... Still not maximal... hahaha....

**** will be posting the practice photos as soon as I got my laptop with me ****

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