Saturday 19 June 2010

Bali ~~ Malaysia ~~ Singapore

I am flying to Bali tomorrow morning, yet I am not fully prepared and I am NOT excited at all... There are so much things that disturb my mind and I just hate it....

Leaving to Bali then Malaysia and Singapore... I will be away for about 2 months...

Hope this trip will be a great trip.... Really hope so.....

Silvia Two-OH-Two Birthday

16 June was her real birthday, but due to some reasons, Silvia celebrated her 22nd birthday last night at Depot Simpang, Ponegoro St - SAMARINDA.

It was not a big celebration, it is just a simple yet warm celebration. There were 12 people celebrating her Birthday. Though for some of us yesterday was our 1st time meeting, it did not bother us.. We had a good laugh... =)

Cake that FA (Initials) and I bought for Silvia @Che's Bakery

Cute huh....?! It is a bear cake.... XD

FA who was in charge of cutting the cake dropped the remaining cake which was about 1/4... haha.... Something wrong with her, she also dropped her BlackBerry... haha...

I dunno what is this called..
It is made from mushroom, pork, carrot, cauliflower, eggs, fish cakes and starch....
To me it was a little bit tasteless.... and the cauliflower was over cooked.

We call this dish as "CapCai"... why??
coz it is made up from various veggies that they cooked together. This is almost the same as the earlier picture, just that CapCai added tomato sauce and do not use cauliflower.
Another tasteless dish... =(

Looks delicious, huh?! but it is not as delicious as the picture says....
My mom's sate is still the best!! XD

Chicken in Inggeris Sauce..
I have no idea whether this Inggeris sauce refers to England Sauce.. hahaha.....
Something is not right about the taste... It was not like another Inggeris Sauce I had before...~

Overall: Not worth the price and those dishes was just tasteless......... *

The tweleve of us:

Of course I was not in the pictures since I was the one who took the picture.....
aaa... why no one offer me to take turn??? T___________T

Thursday 17 June 2010

My eyes

Oh nooo....... I think my eyes are getting smaller... WHY???

I want to have my round eyes back like I used to have when I was young!! T_________________T

Wednesday 16 June 2010


Yesterday night, I went out with my 2nd brother and another 6 persons... We had our dinner at Depot SukiKita, which is a new restaurant, located at A.Yani Street, No. 23, SAMARINDA.

SukiKita serves 'steamboat' style of dining where we can choose various ingredients which will be boiled in a pot of either tomyam (sour-hot-spicy) soup or chicken broth soup.. (you can have both if you want to)..

This is how many we took for the 8 of us..
The pricing depend on the color of the plate..
I have no idea since my bro who did the payment... haha....

This is how it looks after all ingredients boiled in the pot..
Looks nice huh.... But I personally think sometimes pictures lie.... Got what I meant? =p


Value of Money: Not so worth it... WHY? coz it cost us Rp. 400.000++ and it tastes STANDARD...

Not bad though it was a little bit warm.


Standard... The one Jojo's cooked at Adelaide's house warming is even nicer!

Friendliness of the waiters: They are friendly, but not knowleagbe enough about the menu..


Overall comments:
SukiKita is not something that I will recommend people to try.. EXCEPT they never try 'steamboat' dining before.... **+

Here we are... XD

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Car Accident

I just got into a car accident... It was purely my fault... haha... WHY?? Coz I 'sendiri' hit the sidewalk somewhere around Yos Sudarso Street.. haha....

After working hours finish, I went to my friend's house to collect my outdoor pictures... Then I spent quite sometimes at her house, chit-chatting with her younger sister and another friend of us..

That night I never thought that Samarinda would have such a heavy rain, I decided to wait at my friend's house till the rain is getting lighter... BUT I forgotten that my mom ask me to accompanied her to go to Hypermart, so I changed my mind and go home..

Coincidently, my friend has a meeting somewhere at Ekayana, somewhere around Yos Sudarso Street... Thus, I thought of dropping her rather than letting her go there by motorcycle in the middle of heavy rain.... (I am so good huh.. hahaha)..

Soooo..... How when I was about to turn to my left, I did not see that there is a sidewalk....So.... "craaaakkkk......" It broke.. hahaha.....

My mom and dad scoled me......... hikz hikz... but it was purely my fault, so.... I am fine... =)

No pain No gain right?? =p

How worse it is?? like this...

huhuhu.... T______________________________T

Thursday 10 June 2010

Chocolate Calculator by Hersey..... FUN!! MUST try... =p

I received an e-mail from a friend of mine.. It was about Chocolate Calculator.. It was FUN and it works!!! haha.... MUST try..! =)


Do not tell me your age; you'd probably lie anyway-but the Hersey Man will know.


This is pretty neat.

It takes less than a minute.
Work this out as you read.
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you have worked it out!
This is not one of those waste of time things, it is FUN!

#1. First of all pick a number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than ten)

#2. Multiple this number by 2 (just to be bold)

#3. Add 5

#4. Multiply it by 50 -- I will wait while you get a calculator

#5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1760

If you have not, add 1759

#6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number

The first digit of this was your original number (i.e. how many times you want to have chocolates each week)

Next two numbers are....




My Case:

7*2 = 14 + 5 = 19 * 50 = 950 + 1760 = 2710 - 1989 = 721

I want to have chocolate 7 times a week and I am 21 years old!! OH yeeeesss... It works....

and I love chocolate so much!!! hohoho.....

Losing my conscious....

Yesterday I went gym and did exercises like I usually do... When I was doing Cardio, I did not feel anything wrong.. BUT the moment I stop running, I felt a great dizziness... Actually, it was not dizzy, it is more like you do not have any strength left to walk properly...

My vision was blur and sometimes it became dark and I saw nothing... Luckily I got chance to sit down otherwise, I might lose my conscious... Although I have sat down, my mind was still blank... Till one point where my cousin's accident (she once lost her conscious and got hurt badly) popped up in my mind, then I forced my mind to think about any ways to gather my conscious... Then I remembered that I once read a message about 'what to do when you got into heart attack while you are driving'.. That message was my savior.....

"take a deep breath and cough as hard as you can" that is the point in that message....

I tried it few times and fortunately, it works!!

a deep breath is to calm your mind.

coughing is to force your heart to work in a harmony beats.

Simple but helpful.... =)

So far, that was my very 1st experience of losing my conscious.... hahaha...

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Lunch at Dirgahayu Hospital

It has been 4 days since my brother is hospitalized, due to Dengue fever.. There was a day I kept him accompanied from morning till afternoon.. That day, there were some people coming to visit him, and of course they brought something, mostly are cakes and breads..

Since I did not have much things to do there, I was tempted to eat those nice looking cakes and breads... anddd...... I end up had some of them.... lol.....

When lunch time came, my bro did not want to eat his share, coz he said hospital foods are not good at all.... So, he ate congee that my mom had prepared early in the morning. The congee was cold though...

So...... Since I have no proper meal and refuses to have more bread and cakes, I tried my brother's share... It consist of a plate of plain congee, a bowl of chicken soup, a chicken thigh, a fried-fermented-soy-bean-cake, veggies, and an orange.... It looks like this:

Taste : Sucks! No taste! Gosh!!! I only had the fried fermented-soy-bean-cake (Indonesian: tempe goreng)....... T_______________________T

Drink that I have been drinking for a week!!

After quite sometime I have not drink any alcohol drinks, I am kinda addicted to this cream-based alcohol drink from Ireland, Baileys.

This is not the first alcohol drink that I had... My very first alcohol drink was Mozart, which I had when I was 12-13 years old... hahahaha.... I really am aware that I was underage! BUT who cares? My mom and dad did not scold me for trying alcohol drink as long it is within my limits.!

Back to topic, Baileys.. I guess Baileys was the 3rd or 4th liquor I have tried.. But the taste is still the best as compared to others.. Baileys made from a very special cow milk from Ireland, mixed with a great Irish Whiskey, then added with a unique combination of cocoa nibs and vanilla pods.. It leaves a very unique and memorable taste!!!

** a must try ** XD

I have been drinking this liquor (a small size glass as in the pics) every night for a week! AND the taste never make me feel bored, in fact, the taste is getting nicer and nicer for every and each sip you take!!!

I am drinking while typing... lol...

Monday 7 June 2010

Islamic Centre by pHiee

NB: No Editing..

Please feel free to comment... =)

Since I am a newbie, I am quite sure, I am lacking in some aspects.... haha.....

Sunday 6 June 2010

Islamic Centre

Here I am posting pictures that we took during our hunting session @ Islamic Centre, Samarinda - East Kalimantan - INDONESIA.

Islamic Centre is claimed to be the second largest Islamic Centre in South-East Asia.. Located @ Kelurahan Teluk Lerong Ulu, facing our longest river, Mahakam river, it has been a new icon of our city.. It took quite long time to finish this Mosque and of course, it went off of the budget..

In order to get there, we have to wear a polite clothing.. NO short / hot pants.. NO sleeveless shirt.. Although you wear a polite clothing, there are certain parts of the Mosque that you are not allowed to go in, ONLY Muslims are permitted..

Before After

Before After

Before After

*** Special Space ***

Mr. LC in Action!!

Bollywood Style XD

Jump!! =p


Photographer: JW Editor: JW Camera: SONY DSC-T77
Models: *FG **MDG ***LC ****JW *****Me XD

** Thank You **