Saturday 19 June 2010

Silvia Two-OH-Two Birthday

16 June was her real birthday, but due to some reasons, Silvia celebrated her 22nd birthday last night at Depot Simpang, Ponegoro St - SAMARINDA.

It was not a big celebration, it is just a simple yet warm celebration. There were 12 people celebrating her Birthday. Though for some of us yesterday was our 1st time meeting, it did not bother us.. We had a good laugh... =)

Cake that FA (Initials) and I bought for Silvia @Che's Bakery

Cute huh....?! It is a bear cake.... XD

FA who was in charge of cutting the cake dropped the remaining cake which was about 1/4... haha.... Something wrong with her, she also dropped her BlackBerry... haha...

I dunno what is this called..
It is made from mushroom, pork, carrot, cauliflower, eggs, fish cakes and starch....
To me it was a little bit tasteless.... and the cauliflower was over cooked.

We call this dish as "CapCai"... why??
coz it is made up from various veggies that they cooked together. This is almost the same as the earlier picture, just that CapCai added tomato sauce and do not use cauliflower.
Another tasteless dish... =(

Looks delicious, huh?! but it is not as delicious as the picture says....
My mom's sate is still the best!! XD

Chicken in Inggeris Sauce..
I have no idea whether this Inggeris sauce refers to England Sauce.. hahaha.....
Something is not right about the taste... It was not like another Inggeris Sauce I had before...~

Overall: Not worth the price and those dishes was just tasteless......... *

The tweleve of us:

Of course I was not in the pictures since I was the one who took the picture.....
aaa... why no one offer me to take turn??? T___________T

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