Tuesday 15 June 2010

Car Accident

I just got into a car accident... It was purely my fault... haha... WHY?? Coz I 'sendiri' hit the sidewalk somewhere around Yos Sudarso Street.. haha....

After working hours finish, I went to my friend's house to collect my outdoor pictures... Then I spent quite sometimes at her house, chit-chatting with her younger sister and another friend of us..

That night I never thought that Samarinda would have such a heavy rain, I decided to wait at my friend's house till the rain is getting lighter... BUT I forgotten that my mom ask me to accompanied her to go to Hypermart, so I changed my mind and go home..

Coincidently, my friend has a meeting somewhere at Ekayana, somewhere around Yos Sudarso Street... Thus, I thought of dropping her rather than letting her go there by motorcycle in the middle of heavy rain.... (I am so good huh.. hahaha)..

Soooo..... How when I was about to turn to my left, I did not see that there is a sidewalk....So.... "craaaakkkk......" It broke.. hahaha.....

My mom and dad scoled me......... hikz hikz... but it was purely my fault, so.... I am fine... =)

No pain No gain right?? =p

How worse it is?? like this...

huhuhu.... T______________________________T

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