Tuesday 8 June 2010

Lunch at Dirgahayu Hospital

It has been 4 days since my brother is hospitalized, due to Dengue fever.. There was a day I kept him accompanied from morning till afternoon.. That day, there were some people coming to visit him, and of course they brought something, mostly are cakes and breads..

Since I did not have much things to do there, I was tempted to eat those nice looking cakes and breads... anddd...... I end up had some of them.... lol.....

When lunch time came, my bro did not want to eat his share, coz he said hospital foods are not good at all.... So, he ate congee that my mom had prepared early in the morning. The congee was cold though...

So...... Since I have no proper meal and refuses to have more bread and cakes, I tried my brother's share... It consist of a plate of plain congee, a bowl of chicken soup, a chicken thigh, a fried-fermented-soy-bean-cake, veggies, and an orange.... It looks like this:

Taste : Sucks! No taste! Gosh!!! I only had the fried fermented-soy-bean-cake (Indonesian: tempe goreng)....... T_______________________T

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