Thursday 10 June 2010

Losing my conscious....

Yesterday I went gym and did exercises like I usually do... When I was doing Cardio, I did not feel anything wrong.. BUT the moment I stop running, I felt a great dizziness... Actually, it was not dizzy, it is more like you do not have any strength left to walk properly...

My vision was blur and sometimes it became dark and I saw nothing... Luckily I got chance to sit down otherwise, I might lose my conscious... Although I have sat down, my mind was still blank... Till one point where my cousin's accident (she once lost her conscious and got hurt badly) popped up in my mind, then I forced my mind to think about any ways to gather my conscious... Then I remembered that I once read a message about 'what to do when you got into heart attack while you are driving'.. That message was my savior.....

"take a deep breath and cough as hard as you can" that is the point in that message....

I tried it few times and fortunately, it works!!

a deep breath is to calm your mind.

coughing is to force your heart to work in a harmony beats.

Simple but helpful.... =)

So far, that was my very 1st experience of losing my conscious.... hahaha...

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