Tuesday 1 June 2010

Revlon Beauty Gathering @ Grand Victory Hotel

Few weeks ago, I saw a banner promoting a Beauty Gathering.. I was quite interested and I did ask around about it... I gave it quite a lot of thought because some people said it will be useless... However, yesterday I made up my mind to give it a try... The gathering was held this evening, 4.00 pm. @ Grand Victory Hotel, Samarinda..

I went all the way alone with NO make up at all while everyone there were in FULL make up! Gosh!! Maybe they thought I was an alien!! =_____="....... That was not my intention to go there with 'naked' face.. I left office at 2.30 pm to give sometime in 'dressing' my face BUT my mom wanted to go to my grandmother's house... As a GOOD daughter, I drop my mom at grandmom's house which is quite far from Grand Victory Hotel and I was trapped in traffic jam!!! SO... I do not have time to put some make up on... T_________T

Luckily I went in to the ballroom just in time.. I even have few minutes to look around at the selling booths before the program starts...

Fashion Show

Make up: Revlon
Costume: Luwi
Make up artist: Hendro Revco

uuuhuuuiiyy... I got a chance to take a picture with Hendro.. Actually I have no intention of taking picture with him... But, an aunty who sat next 2 seats from me asked me to took a picture of her and Hendro.. In return, she offered me to take picture with Hendroo... I was about to reject her offer, but Hendro looked at me and I was like.... aaouu..... Feel so bad if I decline her offer infront of Hendrooo..... So.... That's it.....

AGAIN, with the same aunty, she helped me to take picture with one of the models...
Look at her...! She is tall and slim whereas I am short-fat-girl-with-super-plain-face!!!!!!!!!!! T_________________________________T

BUT I am happy for who I am... =)

His name is Bagus... He is 18 - 19 years old... He is a singer who I never knew before till that moment when the master of ceremony (MC) intoduce him to the guests.... hahaha...

I am super "lost" when it comes to Entertainment things or Gossips about artists, actors, singers, etc etc... haha.... I am not entertainment person and refuses to know those kind of things... coz it will only use up my brain for nothing... hahahaha.......

At the end of his performance, he said "My mom uses revlon since young until now.. That is why she has a son like me."

Repeated: A SON LIKE ME!

At that moment, my deepest-tiny-heart said "OMG! He is overconfident!" "Don't you know that make up will NEVER affect your gens???" =____="

Anyway... The gathering was not really useful to me, since I took a make up class before.. However, at least I know another way to use fake eyelashes and eyeliners..

Eyeliner: Use it at the bottom of your real eyelashes to make it looks bigger without lessen your eyelid area.. =p

Fake eyelashes: stick your eyelid-skin to the fake eyelashes to make it looks more natural and then put another eyeliners on top of it. =)


  1. phil, i don't like this statement:
    "I am not entertainment person and refuses to know those kind of things... coz it will only use up my brain for nothing..."

    it's sooooooo important!! you have to know actual gossips and E!-news for small talk with friends. if you don't, you will be look like pampang, hahaha..

    anyway, i think the singer is bagus supermama from indosiar. I hate him, because he is sooo "soim", hahaha..

    -Lee GaGa-

  2. hahahaha.... Sorry if you do not like it, but I really am lazy to catch up with those gossips... hahaha....

    yaaaaaaaaaa! exactly!! he is SUPER "SOK IMUT"!!!!!
    I think he is abit "shi-shi" / "aqua"... hahahaha....

    He sang Christian Bautista's song, The way you look at me, and guess what?, His pronunciation was wrong, then his voice was FALSE!!!! I just cannot help myself to stop laughing back then... hahaha......

  3. you have to watch this:

    mpe abis yaa, hahaha..

    -Lee GaGa-

  4. My God!! He is SO wrong!!!!!! br stngah aj dah mo ak tutup, sanking km blg ntn mpe abizzz.... tambah abizz tambah yuckzzz!!! and trnyata dy gak secakep yg kmrn ak liat...... worse, man! and yet he is still thinking that he is handsome... My Godnessss...............

  5. yeahh.. sebenernya kan dia nyanyinya gak oke phil, tp gara2 soim kayak gt jurinya jadi pada ngevote dia terus, hahaha..

    -Lee GaGa-

  6. =_______________=" what a weird judges....
