Sunday 30 May 2010

Hunting for Pictures

My watch on the wall show it is 5.40 am now, and I am freaking sleeply!! I am suppose to go hunting for pictures with a few of my friends.. And I have sacrificed my beauty sleep just to wake up at 4.15 am.!!

Then I took a super-cold-shaking-shower because my super-'smart'-water-heater refused to work.. =.="

Just right when I put my cloths on, the electricity supply 'dies'.. And just in fraction of seconds, I heard a serene of fire fighter cars.. So, at that moment I realize that somewhere nearby here was on fire..

Putting my cloths on, I went to look for any torches or emergency lamps.. Unfortunately I found nothing that is useable.. The emergency lamp does not have enough energy supply.. The torches, I just can't find any..

Luckily, my bro loves to buy those stuffs which I thought they are not really important.. He once bought a Police Torch for hunting purpose.. It is a very very bright torch, even it is small in size.. I dig into my bro's hunting set and I found it!!

So.. Finally I got myself ready.. However, another friend cannot get herself ready since her house is in 'darkness'.. Sooo.. We postponed it to 6.15 am..

I was about to continue my sleeping beauty, but once I sleep again, I will not wake up in nearest hour.. It has to be few hours later.. Hahaha.. Thus I decided to write this post from my super-not-smart-blackberry-phone..

Okieee.. Gotta go noww.. This hunting session better be a great one, otherwise my sacrifice will be a waste..!!

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