Thursday 6 May 2010

Painted Skin

I got a DVD movie from a friend of mine as a present for my 21st b'dae... He said that this movie is SO ME! (pHiee bngt!) =__=" Anyway... He ask me to review it after I watched it...

So, here we are:

Title: Painted Skin (2008)

Actors / Actresses:

* Donnie Yen as Pang Yong (The General's brother)
* Zhou Xun as Xiaowei (The fox devil)
* Chen Kun as Wang Sheng (The General)
* Zhao Wei as Pei Rong (The General's wife)
* Betty Sun as Xia Bing (The devil executor)
* Qi Yuwu as Xiaoyi (The bizarre devil)


The story is about a fox devil (Xiaowei) that fell in love with a human, Wang Sheng. She was rescued by this men and allowed to stay in the palace. Since she is a spirit, she have to regularly eat human hearts in order to keep her human form. Another spirit, a bizarre devil, Xiaoyi, who loves the Xiaowei, do the human-heart-hunting for her. Thus, the village was in chaos....

The first person who discover the existence of the fox devil is Wang Sheng's wife, Pei Rong.. But too bad, Wang Sheng does not trust her wife, he thought that his wife was jealous.. Then, a brother of the general, Pang Yong, who loves Pei Rong and has left the village for 2 years came back and believe that there are spirits in the village..

Few ways have been done to check Xiaowei, but what they got is nothing.. They cannot prove that this girl is the devil... Running out of ways to prove it, Pei Rong came and confront Xiaowei by herself.. Both of them make a deal! Pei Rong have to drink a poison, then she has to say to the villagers that she is the devil... This all were done to keep her husband safe and to stop Xiaowei from killing the villagers..

Together with a devil executor, Xia Bing, Pang Yong kill those two devils.... and and ......

* * * * * * * * THE END * * * * * * * *


hummm... I do not know... I am not a good commentator.... haha..

BUT for me, it was a quite good movie.. In fact, I was sobbing when I watch it..

Check it on Wikipedia, it won few awards...

At the end I would like to say Thanks to my friend who gave me this movie... I have no idea how he know that this movie is SO me! =.="

BUT BUT.. I think... He is more than 50% right about this movie... LOL

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