Monday 10 May 2010

Temptations @ Office

I am at my daddy's office right now, eating "Pisang Goreng" while typing!!!! Oh Gosh!! There are lot of temptations at office compared to staying at house... And it is harder to ignore those temptations!! I am dead! T__T



* My desk is right in front of the door and the door is made of GLASS which make me able to see if there are snack sellers walking out there..

* Most of the employees are MALE... In fact, I am the ONLY female here... Thus, they have bigger appetite than me thus they often buy those snacks which then make me feel like eating! GOSH!!

* My daddy loves to buy those Pisang Goreng, Tempe Goreng, Tahu Isi, etc...

* My 1st bro loves to buy crackers and sweets

* My mom loves to bring fruits juice or herbs or whatever broth (chicken, fish)

AND LASTLY and the most crucial factor is.....

** My determination is not strong enough to ignore those temptations!!! T__________T **

I want to lose weight, NOT gain weight!! T________T

Someone help meee....... T___T

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