Sunday 23 May 2010


This is the 4th times I flew to Surabaya! humpp... I got no choice but to fly there, since my skin doctor asks me to do a routine control every 1 - 2 months..... T_______T

I hate Surabaya!! coz when I am there, it is hard to go on DIET.... Surabaya has lots of nice foods!!!! T__________T

Since this time I went to Sub with my mom, we stayed at our family's house instead of staying at my cousin's room. Thus, we got this pie from my dad's brother's wife...

Green Bean Pies.....

SUPER nice!! I really love it! Crispy outside, Juicy inside... =)

Tahu Kipas @ Pondok Jenggala

Ayam Goreng (Fried Chicken) @ Pondok Jenggala

Since next to my family's house is selling various cakes, thus we had cakes as our breakfast... hohoho.... The two of my choice was:

Custard Pie @ Manyar Tirtoasri 7/22

Mango Pudding @ Manyar Tirtoasri 7/22

Nasi Krawu (Dried Coconut + Chicken in Black Sauce + SPICY Chili)

I do not really like it though....

Sooo... That's it.... Actually I ate lots of other dishes / cakes / beverages... BUT I did not take any pictures of them.... T_________T

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