Tuesday 25 May 2010

pHiee's Commitments

hohoho.... Finally I made this schedule.... It is made to remind me on my commitments... haha... Placed next to my bed, so that I can easily see what is today's schedule.. hoho.... I am a busy person.. LOL....

Anyway... My SUPER long time ago punya commitment stay the same: SLIM DOWN!! I even stated what should I have for my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack!!!

I really want to slim down by the convocation day!! Shoot!! Someone help me please.... T______T

One of my friend message me through BlackBerry Messanger, HE asked me if I have lost my weight??? TUT him for asking this type of question to a GIRL!! T_________________T

But... Since he is one of my close friends, sooo..... Instead of tut-ing him, I talk to him about this.. haha... Unlike me, he always want to gain weight, but he never able to gain any extra kgs... hahaha..... I should transfer some of my kgs to him! hahaha....

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