Thursday 13 May 2010

Personal Taste

Working on Holiday is SUPER sucks MAN!! I have no choice but to go office, coz mommy ask me to.... T_T

Today is PUBLIC holiday, nothing much to do at office, why should I go to office????? T_T

I should have stayed at home, watching my current favorite Korean drama, Personal Taste!!!!

Jeon Jin Ho a.k.a Lee Min Ho is damn handsome!!!! OMG! He is like a perfect guy!! Gosh!!!!

And and and the story is interesting!! It is about a guy who was initially misunderstood as a gay, then he slowly fell in love with his clumsy-innocent-kind-landlord!!! Then things are getting more complicated when his potential boss is actually a gay... yuckz... I do not like his bosssss.... It is SO wrong!!! ewwww.....


It is HIGHLY recommended!! MUST watch!!

Trailer :

** In order to watch this drama, I have to put lots of effort!!!!! The connection at my house is not really good.. I have to wait for at least 40 minutes to get one PART (not episode) fully buffered on Youtube! T_____________T

** A friend of mine help me to find links to download this drama, but it does not work!!! My connection is just SO sucks! It was about 15 - 16 KB/s and I have to download 700MB for one episode!!!! My gosh!!! I hate my connection!!!! T____T

Same goes to the Office's connection.... T___T I am buffering now, but it is super slow..... T___T

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