Saturday 29 May 2010

Mr. LC's Birthday Celebration

Yesterday five of us went out to celebrate Mr. LC's birthday.. Initially, the dress code requested by the birthday boy is childish.... Unfortunately, he was the only one who wear cartoon T-shirt and the rest of us wore something usual... hahaha....

Other than dress code, the celebration was suppose to be held @ Sari Pacific (requested by Mr. Lie who celebrated his 17th birthday there). Unfortunately it was close, so then he picked Pisa Cafe.. ALSO, it was suppose to be attended by 7 persons. (AGAIN), unfortunately the other 2 (a couple) did not turn up, because it is in Pisa Cafe (personal reasons)...

Despite of all unfortunate events, God wanted us to go to Pisa Cafe which was in full Donald Duck- birthday-decorations!

Maybe this is the reason he enlightened to chosen childish as the dress code!

I LOVE pasta!!
However, this bacon fettuccine was not really good!! humpp...

Peach Italian Soda.... Love Love Love....
I miss the real Italian soda @ Sam's & Greg's Pizza, Huntsville
That was the BEST Italian Soda I ever had!!!

Wooow..... Whipping Creammmmm....... Love it!!!!
But it is FATTENING!!! T____T

Narcissism... hohoho =)

A friend of mine said I look fat heree! Shoot him, man!!! T___T

After we had our lunch, we went to Djoeragan Kopi.... It is a place where youngster loves to spend most of their time chit-chat while drinking coffee- or creme- based beverages, or having their meal(s) or snack(s)...

Since I was too full, I ordered a green tea blended...

To me it does not look like a green tea blended.. It is more to a melon juice.... =.="
and the green tea taste is not there... It is a merely sweet taste... =.="

So.... That is how we end our celebration! =)

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