Thursday 28 October 2010

Life = Treasure Hunt

Yesterday night I was so happy before I eventually felt a little bit worry.... Well.... Almost all my friends said that I am over-worried.. haha... and frankly speaking, I am over-worried... sometimes, not all the time... haha....

Well... Last night while I was playing HulaHoop and thinking about something, my brain suddenly came up with this short paragraph:

"Life is like a Treasure Hunt.. You can’t get the treasure without passing through so many challenges.. Hard work, Commitments, Determinations, Faith, and Loyalty to family & friends are essentials.. Tears and Laughs is the foods and drinks that you will find in every challenge to keep you strong… Once you passed those challenges, you will find that your LIFE is the MOST valuable treasure ever.. =)"

I am not really sure what I was thinking about till I came up with this sound-so-pro-paragraph.. hahaha.....

Anyway.... I just want to have some sort of short sharing here....

I used to complain about my life... Keep asking why this and that happened to me... But you know what, recently (though sometimes I still complaining) I started to see that my life is so meaningful because of those things I used to complain about....

I am who I am now is because of those things... and of course because of JC, who always there whenever I need Him, and my family & friends who always there to keep me accompanied....

So, from now onwards, I will try my best to solve and treasure every single challenge I face!! =)

Monday 25 October 2010


I rarely had a dream... Or maybe when I had a dream, the moment I woke up in the next morning, I will never able to recall back what was my dream.. Well I can recall back part of it, but not the whole dream... Most of the time, only the characters appeared in my dreams that I could recall back.. The flow or the story of the dreams could not be recalled back...

Well... After so long never had a dream (or forget about it), recently I had 2 dreams....

The first one was a dream few days ago.. Well.. It was a dream about me, mom and a dolphin in a room... I don't know if it has a certain meaning... Some people believe that dream(s) do have meaning... Well.. If it is true, then I hope that it means something good were to happened... Amen.

The second one is just so fresh in my mind.... The characters were basically my friends (I am so not going to mention names).. There were 4 of us (including me).... I remember everyone, except 1 person.... I tried to hard to recall who was that person, but I came up with nothing....

Anyway.... This dream is a mix of reality and my intuitions.. haha... This dream made me think a lot and worry too much.... I am scared what I dream about will be a reality... T_T

Hoping that it is just a dream... *pray* *pray* *pray* Amen...

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Wedding Wedding Wedding!! My DREAM Wedding! XD

Ermmm.. Seems that September and October is the marriage season for Chinese.. I don't really understand how they look at the calendar and point out which date is a good date for marriage.. But Chinese believe that some dates are not good for marriage..

Well.. It is all belief.... When you believe on it, then it works.... If you don't then it doesn't work.... =D

To me, I will just stick with those belief... I am not 100% believe it, but wouldn't be better if we follow it and try to avoid those bad stuff? It is for our own good anyway... XD. Besides, my mom is quite particular with those stuffs, so... I guess I will have to follow those traditions... XD

Well Well Well.... Since we are in the middle of "Marriage Months".. People keep asking me "Do u have a boy-friend yet?" or "Where is your boy-friend?".. Some even ask me "When are you getting married?"

The answer to those question is "I don't have a boy-friend yet"

Then they will start asking "Why?".. Some people said "You should get one" or "You have to start finding one" or "Faster get one before it is too late"

OMG!! Don't you all know that it is very depressing to me! Well.. I really am aware that I should get one... It is not that I don't want to have a bf, but I just have not found the right one YET... I am finding !! T____T

Or is it because I am too picky?? Well.... I don't know.... hixx hixx....


Let's put that bf thingy aside first....

Let's back to topic, Marriage!

Well... Though I don't have a bf yet, it doesn't meant that I don't have my dream wedding party! hohoho... XD

First of all, I would love to have an outdoor (preferred to be in meadow - if possible with a small pond somewhere visiblle) wedding celebration, with a simple-classic design..

Chairs in whites.... Buckets of flowers and ribbons along the way to the altar..

Slow-romantic melody from a small orchestra (at least a Grand Piano) in one side... and a simple-yet-pretty wedding cake in another side..

A stack of empty glasses with two bottles of Champage..

Wearing a long-white-elegant-wedding gown..

A pair of lovely wedding ring..

"throwing" flower bucket tradition (well.. this is not chinese traditions, but.. who cares?? this is MY dream wedding... XD)..

It would be better if it is held in the morning,... Invitations will be strictly for families and CLOSE friends... =D.. As for the refreshment... It will be self-service, take the foods and back to your own seats... hohoho... Foods should be chinese foods.. ahaha.... Wlse no one can enjoy the refreshment! hahaha.... Then..... I would like to have a range of desert (Chocolates, Cakes and Puddings) LOL..... Oh yaaa... It will be so much better to have slow dance during the refreshment time... XD

FINE!! I am DREAM-ing!! hahaha.... I don't think I will have such a wedding ceremony! hahaha.....

I guess this is the effect of watching tooo much western movies!! and franklly speaking, I kinda love western custom.... XD

Saturday 16 October 2010

Lychee Pudding for the Starve Me

Something silly happened last night... Like I told everyone, I am on diet.. I order to lose weights, I go to Aerobic classes in the morning and also taking care of my diet menu.. However, I the diet plan doesn't really work on me.. Maybe because my determination and motivations are not strong enough for me to refuse the temptation to eat! and SNACK! T____T

Well... Last night,, I had early dinner (around 5.30 pm) so ,when it is around 11.oo pm, I felt so hungry... I tried to sleep but I just could not sleep.... Then, something came up in my brain.........

My brain was telling me to make PUDDING!

OMG!! I can't resist the temptations of pudding in this state (starving)!

Thus, around 12.00 a.m. I went out from my room, heading to Kithcen to make pudding! and U know what I did it!! hahaha.... I made Lychee Pudding last night! Silly huh.... XD

Well... I almost give up, since the sugar jar is not enough to make pudding..... BUT I tried so hard just to find another jar of sugar.... and I found it!! haha....

My VERY First Homemade Pancake

On the 12th, we (Samarindarians) were having a day off. We were having election, the Election of Samarinda's Governor. Well... I am suppose to take part in this election since I am above 17th years old... In fact, I did not and instead of taking part, I made My VERY First Homemade Pancake!! XD

Special thanks for Eddyanto, who has given me a link to Pancake Recipe @ Kaskus Forum.

Well... It is kinda easy to make Pancake and you dont have to prepare many indredients. All you need to do is

- A cup of wheat flour

- 2 teaspoons baking powder

- 2 tablespoons sugar

Mix everything.

In seperate bowl, whisk

- 3/4 cup of low fat milk, and

- 1 egg

Then, melt

- 1 tablespoon of shortening, and

- 1 tablespoon of butter

Add flour mixture into a mixture of egg and milk. Mix well. Then add the melted shortening and butter. =)

THAT's ALL.... Easy huh... XD

I did the whole process all by myself!!! Tho the taste is not as good as in Restaurant, but I made it myself!! and the feeling is so GREAT! XD

Well... Mommy said my pancake taste is good, just that I put too much of baking powder... It has a little bit of bitter taste... hikss... T_T

hmm.... Fine! That was my VERY first! The next one will be much better!! XD

Since it is a little bit bitter, I decided to use Pure Honey, instead of Ice Cream... and Yap! It taste much better than the plain pancake... =D

Sunday 10 October 2010

Hunting still life

Second part of October 10th....

In the morning I went to church, went back, had my lunch and AOL time!!! XD

Hunting this time took place at my frontyard and backyard of brother Agus's house..... Today concept is STILL LIFE..... XD

Here are some photos taken by me... XD

Frezzing technique.... =)

High Shutter speed that is the point..! Try to capture the water before it falls... Freeze the moment that your un-aided eyes can't see....

One of my favourite technique... XD

That's all the best that I have chosen... hehe... Please feel free to comment... Your comment(s) is so much appreciated... XD

Eight... Nine... and Ten.... XD

hummppp..... Where to begin....

October.... As what I expected... October really is something....

On the 8th.... nothing much happened... I had my hair cut on that day... Well.. I just had my fringe trimmed.... I decided to keep my hair long... =p.. At night, I just did some editing on few photos before I finally aslept around 9 pm... and un-intentionally woke up around 12 am.... Then I wished few friends whose birthday is on the 9th before I actually fallen asleep again... =D


On the 9th which is Saturday.... I skipped work, due to my laziness.... Sometime in afternoon, I accompanied my mom to see a house and buy something.... then.... I went out with my friends... Lee GaGa and Amah at night... =)

U know what is so special on the 9th??? well.... 2 special yet dissaponted things were actually due on October the 9th 2010..... First, remember the 3 months probation I talked before?? Yap... It is officially ended on the 9th.....

Why is it a sad thing?? Coz the probation period was just a waste of time... The result is not any better..... In fact the result is worsen...

Is it a pathetic thing?? Well... Everysingle thing has 2 sides... I am trying to look at the positive side... and yess!! I don't regret a thing even the result is poor... In fact..... Far from the due (9th) I already knew the result....

What I learned from this thing is that....
"DON'T fight for something that is NOT worth to fighting for!"
I was a silly who has commited myself to such a stupid probation period... LOL.... But thing happen for reason(s).. =)

Well... That was the 1st sad thing happened on the 9th.......... the 2nd one will be.......

I did not lose any weights!!! OMG!!! So sad...... I was expecting to see myself slimmer by today (the 9th).... In fact I maintain my weight.... hix hix.... T______T

Besides, on these day, I just knew that one of my brothers is actually going to Kalimantan Tengah.... It is a long journey... I really am worry.... Since that place was few times in chaos.... Hoping the best for my broooo..... T__T

Then.... Just right on 12.00 am, I wished another friend's birthday whose birthday is on the 10th, a recent friend... haha...


the 10th

Passed few minutes from 12.00 am, another thing happnened.... The 2nd time, the same person..... and... the same answer I gave..... Sorry.... But..... I don't know... un-explainable stuffs.... The only thing I can think of is...... If it is you, then time will prove it.... If you stop, then that is the final ending.....

One of my trio besties reminds me on something...... She said....

"Chance to meet and get to know each other is a fate that God has planned for you... but to whom you give your heart, is a choice.... You choose who is your life partner.... God is just giving you a few choices to choose from...."

So........ THat all for now.... Guess will continue 2nd part of 10th Oct on another post... XD

Thursday 7 October 2010

Is it a SIGN??

U know what... Today, around 3 - 4 pm, when I was in Office, working..... Something unexpected and funny happened....

A lady called to my office, but she was looking for a travel agent which owned by my friend's mom!! Hahaha...

Actually he is my ex-bf... Funny right?? I was so surprised when I answered that particular call.... She was about to ask Mandala Flight... hahaha... and I said "Sorry, wrong number, we are Transporter, not a travel agent" hahaha...

Even after I hung up the phone, I was still surprised.. After few minutes, then only I laugh.... How random and odd this thing happened.... LOL....

Is it a sign for me?? I don't know... coz actually my ex's birthday is just few days away.. haha...

FINE.... Let's close the book, coz I have ended it.... =D

Ermm... One more thing!


Ermm... Shud I??

hmmmm..... I guess I will just talk about that if something is really happened on that day.... XD

Friday 1 October 2010

Silly Mistake


This afternoon I did a silly mistake... It has huge impact on my name!! OMG!! I jsut don't know what was in my brain that time! Gosh!!! and since that time till now I keep recalling back that thing... OMG!! I am so embarrased... T____T


And you know what???

What I suppose (and expect) to receive by tonight did not turned up as what I wish..... I did not even hear any news... OMG.... I am so so silly.....

I should use brain, not mouth.... T_______________T