Tuesday 19 October 2010

Wedding Wedding Wedding!! My DREAM Wedding! XD

Ermmm.. Seems that September and October is the marriage season for Chinese.. I don't really understand how they look at the calendar and point out which date is a good date for marriage.. But Chinese believe that some dates are not good for marriage..

Well.. It is all belief.... When you believe on it, then it works.... If you don't then it doesn't work.... =D

To me, I will just stick with those belief... I am not 100% believe it, but wouldn't be better if we follow it and try to avoid those bad stuff? It is for our own good anyway... XD. Besides, my mom is quite particular with those stuffs, so... I guess I will have to follow those traditions... XD

Well Well Well.... Since we are in the middle of "Marriage Months".. People keep asking me "Do u have a boy-friend yet?" or "Where is your boy-friend?".. Some even ask me "When are you getting married?"

The answer to those question is "I don't have a boy-friend yet"

Then they will start asking "Why?".. Some people said "You should get one" or "You have to start finding one" or "Faster get one before it is too late"

OMG!! Don't you all know that it is very depressing to me! Well.. I really am aware that I should get one... It is not that I don't want to have a bf, but I just have not found the right one YET... I am finding !! T____T

Or is it because I am too picky?? Well.... I don't know.... hixx hixx....


Let's put that bf thingy aside first....

Let's back to topic, Marriage!

Well... Though I don't have a bf yet, it doesn't meant that I don't have my dream wedding party! hohoho... XD

First of all, I would love to have an outdoor (preferred to be in meadow - if possible with a small pond somewhere visiblle) wedding celebration, with a simple-classic design..

Chairs in whites.... Buckets of flowers and ribbons along the way to the altar..

Slow-romantic melody from a small orchestra (at least a Grand Piano) in one side... and a simple-yet-pretty wedding cake in another side..

A stack of empty glasses with two bottles of Champage..

Wearing a long-white-elegant-wedding gown..

A pair of lovely wedding ring..

"throwing" flower bucket tradition (well.. this is not chinese traditions, but.. who cares?? this is MY dream wedding... XD)..

It would be better if it is held in the morning,... Invitations will be strictly for families and CLOSE friends... =D.. As for the refreshment... It will be self-service, take the foods and back to your own seats... hohoho... Foods should be chinese foods.. ahaha.... Wlse no one can enjoy the refreshment! hahaha.... Then..... I would like to have a range of desert (Chocolates, Cakes and Puddings) LOL..... Oh yaaa... It will be so much better to have slow dance during the refreshment time... XD

FINE!! I am DREAM-ing!! hahaha.... I don't think I will have such a wedding ceremony! hahaha.....

I guess this is the effect of watching tooo much western movies!! and franklly speaking, I kinda love western custom.... XD

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