Monday 25 October 2010


I rarely had a dream... Or maybe when I had a dream, the moment I woke up in the next morning, I will never able to recall back what was my dream.. Well I can recall back part of it, but not the whole dream... Most of the time, only the characters appeared in my dreams that I could recall back.. The flow or the story of the dreams could not be recalled back...

Well... After so long never had a dream (or forget about it), recently I had 2 dreams....

The first one was a dream few days ago.. Well.. It was a dream about me, mom and a dolphin in a room... I don't know if it has a certain meaning... Some people believe that dream(s) do have meaning... Well.. If it is true, then I hope that it means something good were to happened... Amen.

The second one is just so fresh in my mind.... The characters were basically my friends (I am so not going to mention names).. There were 4 of us (including me).... I remember everyone, except 1 person.... I tried to hard to recall who was that person, but I came up with nothing....

Anyway.... This dream is a mix of reality and my intuitions.. haha... This dream made me think a lot and worry too much.... I am scared what I dream about will be a reality... T_T

Hoping that it is just a dream... *pray* *pray* *pray* Amen...

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