Sunday 10 October 2010

Eight... Nine... and Ten.... XD

hummppp..... Where to begin....

October.... As what I expected... October really is something....

On the 8th.... nothing much happened... I had my hair cut on that day... Well.. I just had my fringe trimmed.... I decided to keep my hair long... =p.. At night, I just did some editing on few photos before I finally aslept around 9 pm... and un-intentionally woke up around 12 am.... Then I wished few friends whose birthday is on the 9th before I actually fallen asleep again... =D


On the 9th which is Saturday.... I skipped work, due to my laziness.... Sometime in afternoon, I accompanied my mom to see a house and buy something.... then.... I went out with my friends... Lee GaGa and Amah at night... =)

U know what is so special on the 9th??? well.... 2 special yet dissaponted things were actually due on October the 9th 2010..... First, remember the 3 months probation I talked before?? Yap... It is officially ended on the 9th.....

Why is it a sad thing?? Coz the probation period was just a waste of time... The result is not any better..... In fact the result is worsen...

Is it a pathetic thing?? Well... Everysingle thing has 2 sides... I am trying to look at the positive side... and yess!! I don't regret a thing even the result is poor... In fact..... Far from the due (9th) I already knew the result....

What I learned from this thing is that....
"DON'T fight for something that is NOT worth to fighting for!"
I was a silly who has commited myself to such a stupid probation period... LOL.... But thing happen for reason(s).. =)

Well... That was the 1st sad thing happened on the 9th.......... the 2nd one will be.......

I did not lose any weights!!! OMG!!! So sad...... I was expecting to see myself slimmer by today (the 9th).... In fact I maintain my weight.... hix hix.... T______T

Besides, on these day, I just knew that one of my brothers is actually going to Kalimantan Tengah.... It is a long journey... I really am worry.... Since that place was few times in chaos.... Hoping the best for my broooo..... T__T

Then.... Just right on 12.00 am, I wished another friend's birthday whose birthday is on the 10th, a recent friend... haha...


the 10th

Passed few minutes from 12.00 am, another thing happnened.... The 2nd time, the same person..... and... the same answer I gave..... Sorry.... But..... I don't know... un-explainable stuffs.... The only thing I can think of is...... If it is you, then time will prove it.... If you stop, then that is the final ending.....

One of my trio besties reminds me on something...... She said....

"Chance to meet and get to know each other is a fate that God has planned for you... but to whom you give your heart, is a choice.... You choose who is your life partner.... God is just giving you a few choices to choose from...."

So........ THat all for now.... Guess will continue 2nd part of 10th Oct on another post... XD

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