Thursday 7 October 2010

Is it a SIGN??

U know what... Today, around 3 - 4 pm, when I was in Office, working..... Something unexpected and funny happened....

A lady called to my office, but she was looking for a travel agent which owned by my friend's mom!! Hahaha...

Actually he is my ex-bf... Funny right?? I was so surprised when I answered that particular call.... She was about to ask Mandala Flight... hahaha... and I said "Sorry, wrong number, we are Transporter, not a travel agent" hahaha...

Even after I hung up the phone, I was still surprised.. After few minutes, then only I laugh.... How random and odd this thing happened.... LOL....

Is it a sign for me?? I don't know... coz actually my ex's birthday is just few days away.. haha...

FINE.... Let's close the book, coz I have ended it.... =D

Ermm... One more thing!


Ermm... Shud I??

hmmmm..... I guess I will just talk about that if something is really happened on that day.... XD

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