Tuesday 16 November 2010

Surprise from a PLAIN Girl! XD

What I am doing now, I am still isolationg myself... (maybe I have to end this soon enough, since I have a meeting tonight and of course I have to catch up with the rest of meeting's members.. =)). Not many people know about my blog, but those two who have found me in here, they really know me well.. >.<.

Anyway... Yesterday I have forgotten to mention that I have 2 phones (2 contact numbers) and only one of them I have deactivated... The other one is still ON, but, like this blog, not many of them know this number.... However.... Just half an hour I got a surprise from a friend of mine... She called me to this not-so-known-number....! You know what... I expected her to asked me "where are you?" or "why are you isolating yourself?" or some other questions pertaining my "hiding"..

BUT in fact, she asked me other questions!! NOT related at all!! ahhaha.... She really are something... Not-so-sensitive-type-of-person!! XD... She asked me about the wedding on the 17th Nov, whether I will go to saloon or just make over myself.... Besides, she also asked me about BlackBerry Services!! She asked me what provider am I using and how I change to that provider (she is currently using other provider)?? SEE... She is totally out of my expectations... hahahaha.... BUT she made my day... At least she know where to find me... and her PLAINNESS (Indonesian: polos/lugu) and SPONTANEOUS have lifted my mood.... XD...

So, who is She???

I bet Lee GaGa can guess it right.... XD


She isss....


She is our beloved Pampang a.k.a GunGun a.k.a Yani a.k.a Mariani... hahaha.....

Love ya, Gun! and thanks for calling tho you call for "fun"... hahaha....

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