Monday 15 November 2010

Isolation is in Progress

Finally!! I found reasons to ISOLATE myself... Well.. Actually I have been thinking about isolating myself quite sometimes ago.. But I found that back then when I was about isolating myself, there were counter-reasons in doing it... Soo... It was just a big talk back then... But Today, I really am Isolating myself... Well.. It is not like exactly what I wrote in previous post, like go to somewhere remote where nobody knows me... Today will be a Semi-Isolation! XD...

So, let's start how I came up with this "semi-isolation"....

Day by day passed, till I am here, Today November the 15th, 17.59 p.m....

This morning, I wake up with not so-good mood, but it was not that bad.. Sometimes I have worse than this morning's mood... BUT.... When Afternoon came and greet me, there were no changes in my mood, it was flat, a little bit of "sick", a little bit of anger, a little bit of disappointment, a little bit of fear...

Well... After I had a short-good chat with few friends of mine, my mood was a little bit lifted up...

BUT "STOP" there

Someone interrupted my good chats... Ruined my mood..... Stepping my mood further down low... Down LOW!! Till I really have reasons of isolating myself.... (well... It was a HIGHLY-TOP-PRIVATE-AND-CONFIDENTIAL-STUFFS, so I am not going to put it here..)

So, here I am... Semi-Isolating myself... haha.... Why SEMI?? Let's see.... ;p

1. I have de-activated my BlackBerry Messengers services (well this is also due to STUPID BlackBerry.. It suddenly went crazy... It invited everyone in my contact list for a conference chat! I don't know what is wrong with it.... I did not do anything harmful!) arrgh.....

2. I have decided not to look at my FB account while isolating myself... Just few minutes ago I posted "Isolation is in progress.. Let's play hide and seek... XD.. Those who know me well know how to find me.. ;p" on my FB wall... So, let's see who are those people that can find me.... hehehe..... I wonder if the trio know.... Well... One of them is absolutely out... Since, he doesn't have a FB account any longer... What about the rest?? Well let's see.. haha.... But.. Tho they can't find me, I might be the one who find them.. haha...

3. I will keep writing on my blog.... hehe... coz I need place to express my overwhelming emotions... haha....

4. I am in MY room, meaning I am in MY house (correction: dad's house) where almost all friends know where is it... hahaha.... So... It is actually easy to find me.... Just came to my house, and you will get to see me.. haha.. But I bet NO one will come... The trio will not come, coz they all are not in Samarinda right now... They are in different places.... =)

But what I meant here is not find me as if came and see me... (well if you do, then I really am grateful to have you.. =) *hugs*) What I meant is look for me as if contacted me on phone or this blog of mine... hehehe... Coz not many people know about this blog... Few of them.... =)


Some of my friends might think that isolation = off from BBM... Well... For them... You all don't know me well then... hahahah.... BUT still... Thanks for being my friends... =)

OMG!! I just remembered that tomorrow I have a meeting!! and on Wednesday, Nov 17, I have to attend a wedding party... haha... SO basically I am not isolating myself... hahahah.....

Wrong timing.... hahaha.... XD

Anyway... Whoever read this post, may you care enough to let me know by leaving a word(s) to this post or in my chat box... hehe..

Thanks... Love ya! XD

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