Wednesday 3 November 2010

Exciting Day 1 and Day 2 in Surabaya

Well... Lets just have a quick session...

I wanted to blog since the moment I arrived in Surabaya... Yep! I am in Surabaya (again) for don't know how many times..... I flew from Balikpapan to Surabaya on the 1st November... So, when I wrote this post, I have been in Sby for 2 days 2 nights pass few hours.. hahaha....

So, where to begin?? hmm... Lets see... This time, it is abit different... Usually I used to stay at my family's place, but this time I stay at a hotel... Surprised huh, for a girl to stay alone in a hotel?? haha... Well... I really am wondering why am I so brave?? hahaha...

So... My flight on 1st Nov was actually a sudden change in plan... The initial plan was to fly oven on the 8th... But Dr. Indro (the skin doctor I used to see) suddenly change the appointment from 8th to 1st November... So, yappp... I am here, in Surabaya... haha...

At first my mom did not allow me to stay alone at hotel... But after a quite hard discussion, my mom agree... yay! hehe... One problem solved.... The next problem is that.... Where should I stay, I mean in which hotel?? The only thing I know is to stay as close as possible to Tunjungan Plaza Mall, a.k.a TP (a shopping centre). WHY? because if I want to go somewhere else, it will nit be that far... Well... What I am trying to say here is that... The location of TP is in the centre of Surabaya City, so it is convenient to go anywhere from this place...

So, I set my target to stay as close as possible to TP... The next problem was... I only know 2 hotels nearby TP, which are Tunjungan Hotel and Sheraton Hotel... Well... Tunjungan Hotel is a old hotel, and I have heard a rumor about how scary this hotel is.... So it is a BIG NO for me to stay here... I really am scared about this,,,, Thus, my only choice is to stay at Sheraton Hotel.... Well... You all of course have heard this name before... Sheraton has a big name in Hospitality Industry... So.... I tried to call Sheraton to ask the price.... and guess what..... A superior room will cost you RP. 1.200.000,- NETT include breakfast for 2 persons... I really was shocked... I never expect this rage of price... MY God!! So, I left with NO choice...

I was in chaos.... I ask so many friends... Luckily I have Jennie... She helped me to find a hotel nearby TP... It is just 5 minutes walking distance to TP.... This hotel named FaveHotel.. Problem Solved...

Next will be.... How I get there since I am not familiar with Sby.... ?? Well... Luckily a friend of mine, Merit, picked me up in airport... (I recently knew her and she is so nice to me, she picked me up at airport after he school is finished)... Well... Merit picked me up and bring me to meet Jennie at Galaxy Mall.. It was a quite long driving.... I really am thankful to have them in Sby, else I will have to stay at Tunjungan hotel which I really am scared to stay at... The reason Merit did not drive me to the hotel instead to meet Jennie is because Jennie helped me to buy FaveHotel Voucher and Merit doesn't know where is FaveHotel.... Accommodation problem is FULLY solved...

Day 1, Jennie brought me to eat at Leko, we discussed few things, since we planned to start a partnership... hehe... Then she drove me to Dr. Indro clinic.... =)

Day 2, I had my very 1st breakfast in FaveHotel.... Well... Since this hotel is a low-cost-hotel, the breakfast served is just a super simple breakfast... You will have a toast (or non-toast) bread, eggs (on request) and fried rice... As per drinks, you can have tea, coffee, water, and orange juice which is not a fresh orange juice, fake one... hahaha.... Well... That is expected... The only thing that is not expected is that... When I had my breakfast, a guy (seems like he is a businessman, judging from his outfits), acted as if this hotel is a high class hotel.. He order the waiters like his own personal waiters, he speaks SO loud as if the whole room is his, he complained about the fried rice, he said WHAT is this?? Fried Rice with NOTHING! This is NOT fried rice (well... in this case he is right, but the way he talks is the real matter here... Besides he should have expected this from a low-budget hotel!!).. The next thing he did is, he asked a waiter to serve him a sugar-free-hot-tea, again he speak loud, and he really is BOSSY!!!).... Then he ordered a fried egg, but the fried egg came abit late... and guess what he did?? AGAIN, he scolded the waiters and speak out VERY loud "Bikin telur dadar aja kok berjam jam? Bisa masak gak km??? Saya cuma punya 5 menit" (Translated: "Why it takes hours to cook a fried egg? Do you know how to cook?? I only have 5 minutes left")... OMG!!! How I hate this type of guy... Hellooooo... Don't you know that you are very annoying?? You are disturbing people around!!..... and HELL with your business... You have to know how to respect people and please MANAGE your time, don't just complaint about people!!! arggghh... So emo talking about this guy!!!

huff... Lets continue another thing happened... Well.. After I had my breakfast, Jennie came, then we continue our conversation about your business plan for quite some times, before we actually left hotel and went to TP for shopping! hahaha.... I was looking for a dress to attend a wedding party.... But after so many time of trying, I did not get to buy any dress.. haha... coz some is just not good enough, some are too expensive... T___T Anyway.. I had a GREAT time with Jennie.. She helped me alot and keep me accompanied! She is a good shopping friend! Thanks, Jen!! XD

Then we had our late lunch (4pm) at Grand City mall, a new shopping centre in Sby before she finally drove me back to Hotel... =D

Once reached hotel, I was planning to stay at hotel whole night and blogging or do something in Hotel... However, Merit asked me out... She asked me to go dinner with her... So.... I decided to go with her, since she has no one to eat with... and well... for some other reasons as well... =)

We went to Galaxy Mall, she had Pepper Lunch and I had Sour Sally... haha... I am on DIET, remember?? hahaha.... We had some 'story' telling session... hehe.. Well... She did more than me, I was just responding and listening to her 'complaints'... =D. Just hoping I am good enough to lessen her burden... =)

Well... What is so special on the 2nd was that so many people is looking for me... From a routine contact to the quite often to rare contact... haha... (DSRFDA).... I had great chat with all of them.... *hugs* hehehe... =p

OMG!! Did not I said I want to make it a quick session??? I ended up with this long post... hahaha.. but everything is just flowing and my hand is keep typing... ahahhaa....

OKOK... Got to sleep now... hehe... Will continue another session tomorrow, I hope.. hehe....

Cyaaa..... *hugs*

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