Wednesday 3 November 2010

Just a Dream

Last night I had another dream.... Surprisingly, it was about a guy who has not been contacting me for some time..

Like I said in previous post, I will have a hard time to remember the story of my dream... That is what happened to this dream... The moment I wake up, I still have the storyline in my head, but it only last for few minutes before it is gone....

Now, the only thing I can recall back is the guy appeared in my dream and roughly, the message behind the dream... The explicit message was about TIME... Time to wait, I guess...

Well... I have no idea why this guy appeared in my dream, since I have not seen him for quite some time and we have not talk much recently.. Besides, I was not thinking about him last night... In fact I was thinking about something else... Well... Maybe what I have been thinking of is related to him.... Or maybe my subconscious is thinking about him but my brain is refuses to admit it.... Well... I don't know...

You know what?? Sometimes it is hard for me to differentiate a real dream and my dream..

Real dream that I mention here is referring to a dream that is PURE from your sleep, uncontrolled and unplanned....

My dream here is referring to a dream that I WISH to happen... Somehow I can add some 'additional' storyline in... You know like, ermm... You want something to happen the way you want it to be...

Well... I am not sure... Sometime I mixed them up... I really do... huff.... Like this dream, I don't know if this is a real dream or my dream.... =___________="

Then... The moment I switch on the TV, MTV was playing this song, Just a Dream by Nelly... Here is the link:

It is like... I don't know... A sign or a coincidence...? However.... I believe that nothing in this world is a pure coincidence... It is all planned by God... =)

Well... I guess I need to wait for a while... XP

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