Tuesday 16 November 2010

Hunt Photos at Night with Bro =)

Last night, after I had a good chat with Bro Vin, we went out in the middle of the night, around 1.00 a.m.... JUST to hunt for photos! hahaha.....

Well... He has interest and passion in vehicles, he has lot of heavy vehicles miniatures, he knows well about technical thingy which is very confusing when he started to explain to me (my face will be shrinking away, think hard! haha...) but thanks to him! more or less I know some technical thingy... =D

Well... So, last night we went out to take photos of his (company's) vehicle, when they are loading a crane (another heavy-vehicles used to move bulky items).. haha... I don't really know how to explain.. but ya... We take few photos before my camera is finally running out of power! hiks..... T____T. I am so NOT pro..... How come I forgot to charge my battery!! T__T.

To be frank, I really am not a pro yet... I found it a bit hard to find a good angle... He found for me... In fact he has a better eyes, better vision, better sight... haha... All I have to do it just 'click'... haha.... XD

Anyway... From this experience, I learned new things (since I rarely hunt photos at night / low-light photography):

1. CHARGE your battery pleaseeee.... =.=" Coz Flash is taking lots of power!!!

2. TRY to find a good grip, don't let your hand shake, since the shutter will stay opened longer.... meaning there is high chance for your photos to bluurrr....

3. Unbalance BRIGHTNESS of lights will cause part of your photo lose the details and the light burst out.. (see my photos when I have posted everything up! I have been talking of uploading my photos, but I have not do that... WHY coz I have no time.. haha.... Office connection is so bad, so I can only posted photos from home... hehe...)

So... Yap.. So far that is what I learned from last night experience... hehe...

Thanks bro! XD

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