Friday 15 July 2011

The Netherlands

Yeahh..... One of my dreams has finally came true on Mach 2011!

That dream was to backpack to EUROPE!!

It was a 17 days trip which has covered:

#The Netherlands#Germany#Switzerland#Italy#Vatican#Monaco#France#

Lets start with The Netherlands.... =p

Amsterdam is the first touch down! The four of us, call it W, M, F and P (initials) flew all the way from Jakarta (CGK) to Dubai (DXN), Dubai (DXN) to Amsterdam (AMS) on March 10th 2011, 00.25 a.m by UAE. We arrived at Schipol International Airport on March 10th, 14.00 p.m.

First day, March 10th

Looked around at Amsterdam City and we found this place called SEED BANK.

Marijuana Shop

Amsterdam is very famous with 3 things that are Legal here, but illegal out-there. The first was the Marijuana (above). Second is the Sex Life; marriage of same gender, legal prostitution (below).

red-light district

Second day, March 11th

We decided to go to Volendam with the local tour... Why? Because it is way cheaper and you have access to the Cheese Factory that you cannot access if you go by yourself.

our tour ticket

the scene on the way to Volendam

The third famous thing of The Netherlands is that The Windmills! =D

the windmills, Volendam

sight-seeing around

Visiting Anne Frank Huis right after we came back from Volendam. It was a very quick visit. We finished the whole house of Anne Frank in less than 30mins.. LOL

Anne Frank huis

Me, from the old times at Volendam, The Netherlands. =)

That's all for The Netherlands. I know that this is a very short review and not many photos are posted here.... Well.. It is because I have too many photos to posted! LOL... That's why I narrowed it down to fews and short... =p

So..... I am still looking forward to be in The Netherlands again one day, to explore different city... and Keukenhof!! I have not been there... T.T. I will, one day! =D

in mind: "solo traveling!"

"hey... how are u?" that a very classic question to approach your long-lost-friend... Just like what I did just know... wwkwkwk..

Well.. after so long never online on MSN, I finally logged on... and taadaaa.... One of my long-lost friend called me......... and yeah.. we are having chat now... kekekeke...

We talk about this and that... this and this... that and that... Well.. Most of the topics are about working life! LOL.... and we are encouraging and motivating each other... We also talk a lil bit about traveling.. =p

Talking about traveling, I am thinking of going for a solo-traveling.......... oh yeah! I really really want to make it! XD

I am craving for a sweet-great-escape! Kinda tired of this routine.. Gotta find something new...

Well.. It has been my dream to go for a solo-traveling... It doesn't have to be a far escape... All I need is the quality and the experience... But of course the safety too.. Since this will be my very first time and I am a female!

So, I came up with these places in mind:

* Cambodia - Vietnam #This will be the not safest destination as compared to the oter 2 options below. But I don't need a VISA to enter to these 2 neighbourhood countries. Also these 2 countries are the cheapest option.. *budget constrain* =p#

* Hongkong - Macau #Well.. HK.. Not really interested to go here tho. But then this is the possible dest I could think of. No VISA is required and not so expensive and english-speaker-friendly#

* New Zealand #Oh my! Definitely NZ is in the top list of mine and the safest dest of the 3 options.. But too bad.. it is not cheap to get here andddd...... VISA! Damn VISA! Why Indonesian need VISA to get there? T.T#

oh mann...

I wonder if I could make it.. Getting permission is the hardest part.... =(

But still... I am working on it.. I will be doing some research first... hahay! =D

Well.. I am off for work now.. I have logged off from MSN toooo.....

Somehow distance makes you closer to a long-lost friend... =D... hohoho

Monday 11 July 2011

Hey! I am still at office!!

Hey Hey Hey!!

Yeahh... Just like the title says, I am writing this post from my office table with my Black-VAIO! Oh great....!

If some other people are 'trapped' at theirs office due to over-loaded works to be done, then it is definitely not the reason behind my case...

Well.. I am trapped here-at my office-due to the superb rain that has been showering my lovely hometown, Samarinda since few hours ago and the 'best thing' about it is that almost every inch in my hometown are flooded!!!! and I drive a Honda Jazz which has a lower GC (Ground Clearance)!

So... Yeah.... I 'trapped' here due to the floods!


Now, I am starving! but nothing to eat other than 'Disco Peanuts' that my aunt gave as a souvenir from Bali.... Awesome! =.="

Saturday 25 June 2011

I have been logged in to this blog few times simce few days ago and not only that I have also hitted "new post" button few times but at the end none of the written post posted in fact I deleted those "ready-to-post" post.... =.="

So, here am I... Trying to write a super-not-important-post just to make this blog "alive"....

Writing this post while yawning countless time in my office table.... Forcing my brain to "wake-up" and let my fingers do the typing..

After so long never blog, somehow I felt so lost... Don't know what to write, because so many things have happened....... good ones... bad ones.....

I even did not write the "happy moments" that I should have documented... =.="

Too lazy to open my lappie once I got off from office... and I just not sure how long that happy will last.. coz apparently somehow somewhat at times it turned to be doubts and worries... blahh....

Okkkk..... Lets just end here... coz I really am super sleepy and enegry-less....

Tuesday 31 May 2011

AirAsia Reward!!!

Phiee was surprised that she just got a call from AirAsia.. That lady on phone said: "We would like to reward you as a loyal cust of AirAsia... bla bla bla...". "OMG.. Did I get a free air ticket?" that was exactly her thought at that moment.. She didn't even bother what was that bla bla bla... till the word "special offer for IDR. 80.000 per month.... " wth... That AirAsia in fact offered me a kind of insurance, called Accident Care... =.=".

Then through the whole phone call, she was "oohh.... iyaa." "oooo....." "hmm... hmm.. hm.............". The Lady: "are you interested of joining us?". Me: "Nope, thanks... I am busy now... byebye.... ".

Why can't they reward me with a free air ticket tho it is just a flight to Malaysia? It would be so much appreciated!! or maybe just a 80%off for any flight at any date!!!


Sunday 15 May 2011

Blood Donation

Yay!! Today I went for a Blood Donation!! and I donated 350ml A-type Blood!! hahay!!

Well.. I went to the Blood Donation booth ALONE!! LOL

I was damn nervous but still force myself to donate! haha...

As a result, I fainted!! LOL

Fainted for few mins... 1-2 mins... haha...


Well.. Actually this was not the 1st time I donated blood.. This was the second one... The first one was long long long time ago, about 4++ years ago, when I am still studying in Malaysia.

Anyway.... My first blood donation ended successfully.... I meant I did not faint or feeling dizzy at all... In fact I felt so fresh!!

But the second one.......... I fainted.... Coz I lied to the lady that I had my breakfast.... Besides, it was about lunch hour, but I also have not taken my lunch...... and and I went there all the way ALONE right after I came out from Church..... I was so nervous.... haha..

Oh yaaa....... not forgetting that I had my period right AFTER the blood donation... So, I conclude that today, I was too weak to go for blood donation... LOL....

I seriously have no idea why suddenly I got period!?! Well... Actually I knew that I am going to have period, but I never expect it would be today!! I thought it would be few more days ahead... haiyooo... But things has happened... Luckily I did not faint for a long time.. haha...

Maybe the reason I gained my conscious very fast is because I worry they will call my parents!! My parents surely will scold me like mad!! hahaha..... They never never ever agree on donating blood!! LOL.....

and alsoooo..... Few mins after I gained my conscious, a cousin of mine updated his status on BBM, saying that he is in MALL LEMBUSWANA where the booth is in and I was laying on bed!!

I suddenly stand up from bed!! Even the nurse shocked..... They asked me to lay down abit longer or sit down and drink more water... But I insisted to drive back ALONE!! LOL.... I suddenly felt damn fresh!! I gained back all my energy... LOL...

Oh yaaa.... I also would like to thank a friend of mine, R (initial) who was donating his blood in Sby too... haha... He keep me accompanied (via bbm) through out the donating session.... LOL... My turn came 1st before his.... His turn was after I gained my conscious.. LOL...

NOTE: we did not purposely set a date or time to go for donation together.. It was just a coincidence... =D

Not forgetting too, My Nyak.... Thanks for the support and the prayer.... and also her bf, W who convinced me to go for the donation...

Thanks Thanks Thanks..... Many Many Thanks for the supports!! XD

Wednesday 11 May 2011

PampangLovers Video

A friend of mine whose birthday is actually today made a video for us!! Such a nice video he made. We (as his friends) should be the one who made a video for him.. But we were too late... We also thought of making a video for him, but we are still collecting photos of him!! LOL....

So, here you go, PampangLovers Video!!

and and and..... After seeing this video..... Something came up in my mind....... =D

"Sometimes we got to work extra or take the initiative to keep the bond tied still... Time might un-tied the bond if no-one cares and everyone hands up...."

Friday 29 April 2011

the outsider... the stranger... the left one...


am I??

am I the outsider??

am I the stranger??

am I the one who left them??

or should

I put am I the one left out??

am I?? am I?? am I??

am I?? after so many years? am I??


and I just can't feel the feeling of closeness any longer..

it is like tasteless..... plain..... flat.....

it is like the only reason I keep this 'relation' is because of those years we have spent together.. it is like duty to keep this 'relation'... something that I must keep tho it is tasteless... feeling-less....

and the ironic thing is that..... my goal is just so contradicting....... I shall pity myself now..... pathetic..... ironic.....

but still........

am I??

am I??

coz I feel somehow I am the one that caused this happened due to some 'idealism'....... which now come to think of it, it is kinda right... kinda wrong....

anyway... things has happened.... no matter how many times I think about this..... no matter how much time I spend to settle this.... I just can't do much..... I can't help it... but to go on..... coz too much parties involved in this so called 'relation'...

to settle this...... lets just blame me..... coz I wasn't able to keep this feeling.....

Thursday 21 April 2011


today my hair was like a broom, flat - oily face like a fying pan, sleepy eyes with dark circle and eye bags, and and I got so many things going on around....

but the funniest thing was that I keep on thinking of something,,,, from the moment I woke up till this moment when i am writing this post... something that I really am don't know why it is keep on appearing..... but I think I know what it is... hahaha.... contradicting myself... LOL...

then, when I got home late from work, my house was having electicity cut! wow.. I was "shit, why no electic?"..

but then, after a short "kai kai", I came up with an idea! haha... and since than my mood is lifted up and and also because of those people who really bings my mood back... thanks alot! *hugs*

12:21 on April 21 2011.. XD

Welll.... My watch show 12:21 on 21 April 2011!!

Yay!! I finally turned to be 22 years old!! ahaha..... Feeling so old eventhough it is just adding a small number, ONE.... huhuhu....


I am not really sad about turning to 22!! In fact I am glad that I have finally one more step further to adultness..

Welll...... Many people said adulthood is not fun, but what can you do about age?? Can you just return to baby or teens again? NO, you can't, right? So, why don't you just enjoy whatever it is.... just walk, just go with the flow.. =)

hahay! I am talking as if i am a pro... I am not!! hahaha.... I just just wanna be thankful to God for giving me chance to be alive, here, now....

Thankful for the family that He has chosen for me
Thankful for friends that He has given to me
Thankful for whatever good or bad experiences in my past that has shaped me to be who I am now..... =D




Thankful for whatever that He has planned for me!

You only have one chance to be alive for who you are... There will be no second chance... So, come on.... move on..... leave your past behind... let your past be your history... let your past teach you on how precious life is! let your past give color to your life!! XD

SO... yaaa....... Thats allll from me....... I have not really writing a post since few months agooo.. hahaha..... and I found that my english is getting sucks! LOL.... so sad.. huhuh....

Anywayssss...... for whoever in this world who share the same birthday with me,,,,,,


May this year will be a better year than the previous ones! and lets continue to 'write' great stories in our life!! XD

*hugs* *kisses* XOXO

Wednesday 20 April 2011

My Thought!!! My Mind!!!

"Whats on your mind??" well... travel travel travel.. travel here and there... go here and there.... imagine if i were here and there... here and there.. here and there... here and there... my thought right now is here and there.... my mind is there, but body is hereee... cheeeeeh..... =.=" I am dreaming now...

Saturday 16 April 2011

Priceless and Irreplaceable

If I got the chance to travel in time,,,
I would like to return to my life few years ago...

Not to change a single thing,,
I want to experience the whole thing one more time...

Those days,,,,,
Those laughs,,,,
Those tears,,,,
Those conflicts,,,
Those arguments,,,,
Those kindness


priceless and irreplaceable....

Monday 7 February 2011


I don't want to do things that I don't wish to do..


I really am hoping for something to happen...


If that something happen, I have no choice but to do the things that I don't wish to do....


everyone will have to go through this session in their life...


I have decided to see what the future says...

If I really have to do it, then I will....

For now, I really am hoping for that something to happen.... Hope it will....

Saturday 5 February 2011

Risk VS Worthinesssss

xxx is wondering if she is aware of the risk she is taking............. well..... she is... yet she insist.... is it worth it? Don't know... =p. let JC does His part... not a thing happen without a reason, isn't it? =p

draft that I almost post on FB.... haha.... I guess abit too private...... so, I posted here... just to express my feelings.... =p

Friday 21 January 2011

Not Important

Well... I have been telling my self this morning that everything is going to work out well... and and I also been telling myself that I will make it my way.... and and so... here I am typing a super not important post.. just to blabbering whatever came to my mind.. and and my hand is typing but my brain is not working... blahh... =.=" My brain !! yaa... my brain refuses to think now... FULL stop. =.="a

Friday 14 January 2011

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Many wonderful foods, herbs and spices facilitate weight loss and help preserve muscle. Check out my picks for the top foods that aid in weight loss.

Despite their relatively high sugar levels, apples actually exert a stabilizing effect on blood sugar, thanks in part to their high fiber content, but also because they contain phloretin: a blood-sugar-stabilizing phytonutrient found exclusively in apples.

Wild Alaskan salmon leads the pack in helping us to shed weight and keep it off. It's rich with flavorful, healthful omega-3 fats, which makes it a top weight-control food. Sardines and anchovies are also great sources of omega 3's.

Beans and Lentils
Legumes--dried beans, lentils and company--prompt burning of body fat, stabilize blood sugar and have more protein than other plant foods. They also burn body fat and provide energy and protein! A meal with legumes raises blood sugar slowly and moderately, making you feel fuller for longer.

Calcium is important in weight loss, especially dairy foods with probiotics, such as yogurt. In a recent clinical study, participants who ate yogurt lost about 10 pounds of fat and an inch and a half off of their waists, compared to six pounds and a quarter of an inch lost by those who just took calcium supplements. Sixty percent of the yogurt eaters' weight loss was lost abdominal fat, the hardest to lose. Finally, yogurt was about twice as effective at preserving muscle, the only kind of tissue that burns calories while your body is at rest.


Belated New Year


My blog is dying...... haha.... So sad to see my own blog drying up.... dying.... haha.... So...

YEAAA!! We ARE in the year 2011!! It means we have one last year before all of us DIE!
LOL.... Well.. I am joking... XD



I am SCREAMING from my office............... *I am so free and energetic* XD

Warm Greetings from SAMARINDA.....

Well... Samarinda is having a weird weather recently... Cold Cloudy ~ Hot Shining ~ Raining all of sudden.... hahaha...... Well.... That's the way Samarinda is... LMAO....

So, how did you guys celebrate new year? Did you all have great times?? Anyone coupled up on the 1st day?? or Anyone broke up??

Well.... Whatever it is...... Just keep moving.....

For those who have good times (like coupled up, meeting some cute guys or pretty girls), GOOD for you! and hope you will always have good times through out this year! XD


For those who have not so good times (broke up, got into a quarrel with your beloved ones, whaever), DON'T need to worry so much.... coz I am one of you.... LMAO....

Well.... I did not really have a good new year celebration.... and and I also end up having a small argument with my brother... haha....

BUT..... For US (those who have not so good times), CHEER UP!! This is just the beginning of 2011.... Life is like a WHEEL... Sometimes you are up high.... Sometimes you are down low.... Just try to stand firm and face whatever it is.... Keep moving forward!! and DON'T ever forget to PRAY! He is the answer! He is the Master Key..... =)

So..... Again.......

Doesn't matter if you have good times or bad times...... Doesn't matter how great was the new year celebration..... Doesn't matter who spent time with you.... Doesn't matter where were you...

The only matter is how are we going to enjoy this new year! Make a plan, work on it and reach targets! Do transform yourself to be a better person... =)

Happy Belated New Year Alll!!!

Praying that ALL of us will always be blessed in every single thing we do...

Success always!!

Stay Healthy!!

Stay Happy!!

Stay Beautiful!!

Stay Cute!!

Stay Pretty!!

Stay Handsome!!

Stay to be Yourself!! XD