Sunday 30 May 2010

Hunting for Pictures

My watch on the wall show it is 5.40 am now, and I am freaking sleeply!! I am suppose to go hunting for pictures with a few of my friends.. And I have sacrificed my beauty sleep just to wake up at 4.15 am.!!

Then I took a super-cold-shaking-shower because my super-'smart'-water-heater refused to work.. =.="

Just right when I put my cloths on, the electricity supply 'dies'.. And just in fraction of seconds, I heard a serene of fire fighter cars.. So, at that moment I realize that somewhere nearby here was on fire..

Putting my cloths on, I went to look for any torches or emergency lamps.. Unfortunately I found nothing that is useable.. The emergency lamp does not have enough energy supply.. The torches, I just can't find any..

Luckily, my bro loves to buy those stuffs which I thought they are not really important.. He once bought a Police Torch for hunting purpose.. It is a very very bright torch, even it is small in size.. I dig into my bro's hunting set and I found it!!

So.. Finally I got myself ready.. However, another friend cannot get herself ready since her house is in 'darkness'.. Sooo.. We postponed it to 6.15 am..

I was about to continue my sleeping beauty, but once I sleep again, I will not wake up in nearest hour.. It has to be few hours later.. Hahaha.. Thus I decided to write this post from my super-not-smart-blackberry-phone..

Okieee.. Gotta go noww.. This hunting session better be a great one, otherwise my sacrifice will be a waste..!!

Saturday 29 May 2010

Mr. LC's Birthday Celebration

Yesterday five of us went out to celebrate Mr. LC's birthday.. Initially, the dress code requested by the birthday boy is childish.... Unfortunately, he was the only one who wear cartoon T-shirt and the rest of us wore something usual... hahaha....

Other than dress code, the celebration was suppose to be held @ Sari Pacific (requested by Mr. Lie who celebrated his 17th birthday there). Unfortunately it was close, so then he picked Pisa Cafe.. ALSO, it was suppose to be attended by 7 persons. (AGAIN), unfortunately the other 2 (a couple) did not turn up, because it is in Pisa Cafe (personal reasons)...

Despite of all unfortunate events, God wanted us to go to Pisa Cafe which was in full Donald Duck- birthday-decorations!

Maybe this is the reason he enlightened to chosen childish as the dress code!

I LOVE pasta!!
However, this bacon fettuccine was not really good!! humpp...

Peach Italian Soda.... Love Love Love....
I miss the real Italian soda @ Sam's & Greg's Pizza, Huntsville
That was the BEST Italian Soda I ever had!!!

Wooow..... Whipping Creammmmm....... Love it!!!!
But it is FATTENING!!! T____T

Narcissism... hohoho =)

A friend of mine said I look fat heree! Shoot him, man!!! T___T

After we had our lunch, we went to Djoeragan Kopi.... It is a place where youngster loves to spend most of their time chit-chat while drinking coffee- or creme- based beverages, or having their meal(s) or snack(s)...

Since I was too full, I ordered a green tea blended...

To me it does not look like a green tea blended.. It is more to a melon juice.... =.="
and the green tea taste is not there... It is a merely sweet taste... =.="

So.... That is how we end our celebration! =)

Friday 28 May 2010


Writing this post in a high state of emoness..

Finding a place to loosen my emo... Finding a reason to get it over...

Finding something to distract my mind... Finding someone for whom I can put my trust on..

Finding ways to end it!!

Missing my best friend who is in a great pain right now.. I just can't imagine how deep is that wound..

How I wish I was there, hugging and crying together..

Tuesday 25 May 2010

pHiee's Commitments

hohoho.... Finally I made this schedule.... It is made to remind me on my commitments... haha... Placed next to my bed, so that I can easily see what is today's schedule.. hoho.... I am a busy person.. LOL....

Anyway... My SUPER long time ago punya commitment stay the same: SLIM DOWN!! I even stated what should I have for my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack!!!

I really want to slim down by the convocation day!! Shoot!! Someone help me please.... T______T

One of my friend message me through BlackBerry Messanger, HE asked me if I have lost my weight??? TUT him for asking this type of question to a GIRL!! T_________________T

But... Since he is one of my close friends, sooo..... Instead of tut-ing him, I talk to him about this.. haha... Unlike me, he always want to gain weight, but he never able to gain any extra kgs... hahaha..... I should transfer some of my kgs to him! hahaha....

Monday 24 May 2010


While waiting for my mom to finish her therapy, I randomly took a shoot of this view...
coz I was just SUPER bored!!

Ring from my mum.... =p

@Sepinggan International Airport of Balikpapan

Sunday 23 May 2010


This is the 4th times I flew to Surabaya! humpp... I got no choice but to fly there, since my skin doctor asks me to do a routine control every 1 - 2 months..... T_______T

I hate Surabaya!! coz when I am there, it is hard to go on DIET.... Surabaya has lots of nice foods!!!! T__________T

Since this time I went to Sub with my mom, we stayed at our family's house instead of staying at my cousin's room. Thus, we got this pie from my dad's brother's wife...

Green Bean Pies.....

SUPER nice!! I really love it! Crispy outside, Juicy inside... =)

Tahu Kipas @ Pondok Jenggala

Ayam Goreng (Fried Chicken) @ Pondok Jenggala

Since next to my family's house is selling various cakes, thus we had cakes as our breakfast... hohoho.... The two of my choice was:

Custard Pie @ Manyar Tirtoasri 7/22

Mango Pudding @ Manyar Tirtoasri 7/22

Nasi Krawu (Dried Coconut + Chicken in Black Sauce + SPICY Chili)

I do not really like it though....

Sooo... That's it.... Actually I ate lots of other dishes / cakes / beverages... BUT I did not take any pictures of them.... T_________T

Sunday 16 May 2010

How to "bathe" a Teddy Bear "properly"

Few days ago I "bathed" my only and dearest Teddy Bear, Neil.

How I "bathe" him??

1st >> Put him into a washing machine

2nd >> Add detergent

3rd >> Add fragrance
4th >> Leave it until the machine stop


And since I have to go to office, I asked my mom to help me dry him for me.....

Then.... When I got back from office, this is what I saw:

My mom HANG himmm!!! HAHAHA.... He died.. LOL...

See.... The heart shape hanging on one side... I think the machine was too strong... But I have "bathed" him few times, and nothing like this happened.... T________T

This is the MOST "proper" way to "bathe" a Teddy Bear ever!!

Thursday 13 May 2010

Personal Taste

Working on Holiday is SUPER sucks MAN!! I have no choice but to go office, coz mommy ask me to.... T_T

Today is PUBLIC holiday, nothing much to do at office, why should I go to office????? T_T

I should have stayed at home, watching my current favorite Korean drama, Personal Taste!!!!

Jeon Jin Ho a.k.a Lee Min Ho is damn handsome!!!! OMG! He is like a perfect guy!! Gosh!!!!

And and and the story is interesting!! It is about a guy who was initially misunderstood as a gay, then he slowly fell in love with his clumsy-innocent-kind-landlord!!! Then things are getting more complicated when his potential boss is actually a gay... yuckz... I do not like his bosssss.... It is SO wrong!!! ewwww.....


It is HIGHLY recommended!! MUST watch!!

Trailer :

** In order to watch this drama, I have to put lots of effort!!!!! The connection at my house is not really good.. I have to wait for at least 40 minutes to get one PART (not episode) fully buffered on Youtube! T_____________T

** A friend of mine help me to find links to download this drama, but it does not work!!! My connection is just SO sucks! It was about 15 - 16 KB/s and I have to download 700MB for one episode!!!! My gosh!!! I hate my connection!!!! T____T

Same goes to the Office's connection.... T___T I am buffering now, but it is super slow..... T___T

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Basic Photography

For those who are beginner in Photography, here is a useful link about Basic Photography, provided by Canon:

It is user friendly and easy to understand! =)

Monday 10 May 2010

Temptations @ Office

I am at my daddy's office right now, eating "Pisang Goreng" while typing!!!! Oh Gosh!! There are lot of temptations at office compared to staying at house... And it is harder to ignore those temptations!! I am dead! T__T



* My desk is right in front of the door and the door is made of GLASS which make me able to see if there are snack sellers walking out there..

* Most of the employees are MALE... In fact, I am the ONLY female here... Thus, they have bigger appetite than me thus they often buy those snacks which then make me feel like eating! GOSH!!

* My daddy loves to buy those Pisang Goreng, Tempe Goreng, Tahu Isi, etc...

* My 1st bro loves to buy crackers and sweets

* My mom loves to bring fruits juice or herbs or whatever broth (chicken, fish)

AND LASTLY and the most crucial factor is.....

** My determination is not strong enough to ignore those temptations!!! T__________T **

I want to lose weight, NOT gain weight!! T________T

Someone help meee....... T___T

Thursday 6 May 2010

Fooooooodism @ Surabaya

Last month I went to Surabaya and I will be in Surabaya again in 2 weeks time.. hahah... But this time my mom and dad will be visiting Surabaya with me.... humppp...

Anyway, these are foods that I had while I was in Surabaya:
(wanted to blog it since long long time agoo... hahaha)

Nasi Bakmoy Special @ Kanten 11

Es Melon (Honeydew Ice) @ Kanten 11

@ Pandan Village, Pakuwon Trade Centre..

It looks like there are 3 sleeping bags.. haha...

Es Teh (Iced Tea) @ Pandan Village

Es Nyiur (Young Coconut + Orange Juice) @ Pandan Village

I kinda like it.. It gives freshness and quite a unique taste...

Tahu Telur (Tofu + Eggs in black-sweet-peanut sauce) @ Pandan Vilage

This one is good, but the one I ate @ Khayangan is much nicer! =p

Pisang Keju Cokelat (Fried Banana with Cheddar floss and Chocolate sauce) @ Pandan Village

LOVE it!! haha...

Mie Goreng??? Forgotten.. hahaha @ Pandan Village

Telur Goreng Sambal (Fried Egg + Signature Chili Sauce)

It is not really nice! In fact it is just a simple fried egg + chili sauce............ So NOT worth it! It cost me Rp. + tax!!!!! humppppp.....

Empal Jagung (Fried Smashed Corn) @ Pandan Village

@ Khayangan

hummm.... I cannot remember what is this called... It is a very refreshing juice... =)

Tahu Telor @ Khayangan

This is nicer than the one I had @Pandan Village

Sate Ayam (Grilled Chicken with Peanut Sauce) @ Khayangan

@ Khayangan

@ Khayangan

humm... It is eggplant dish, cannot remember what it taste.. haha...

hummm.... I have forgotten its name, but it is a mix of star fruits + other fruits.. hahaha....
It was TOO sweet...... =.="
@ My Pancake, Surabaya Town Square

Mixed Berries Pancake @ My Pancake

Gluco Dr....

There was a day my mom ask me to test my dad's glucose level... She bought a tester, named Gluco Dr... It is not really expensive, taking into account its function... It is Rp. 350,000..

So, I tried it out on my dad's middle finger... Without reading the manual book, I just directly gave it a try.... and what was happen is that I failed... haha... That small gadget just keep saying that there is an error... Then I said to my mom that we need to get this gadget repaired!..

BUT my bro came and brought the manual book... After that, I know where I went wrong.... So... yap... Finally that small gadget works!.... haha.....

Then I was so random to try it on my own finger! haha........

The reading was 118 mg/dL.. Which is normal for someone who has taken her dinner... hahahahahahaha.... BIG dinner to be frank... LOL.....

Painted Skin

I got a DVD movie from a friend of mine as a present for my 21st b'dae... He said that this movie is SO ME! (pHiee bngt!) =__=" Anyway... He ask me to review it after I watched it...

So, here we are:

Title: Painted Skin (2008)

Actors / Actresses:

* Donnie Yen as Pang Yong (The General's brother)
* Zhou Xun as Xiaowei (The fox devil)
* Chen Kun as Wang Sheng (The General)
* Zhao Wei as Pei Rong (The General's wife)
* Betty Sun as Xia Bing (The devil executor)
* Qi Yuwu as Xiaoyi (The bizarre devil)


The story is about a fox devil (Xiaowei) that fell in love with a human, Wang Sheng. She was rescued by this men and allowed to stay in the palace. Since she is a spirit, she have to regularly eat human hearts in order to keep her human form. Another spirit, a bizarre devil, Xiaoyi, who loves the Xiaowei, do the human-heart-hunting for her. Thus, the village was in chaos....

The first person who discover the existence of the fox devil is Wang Sheng's wife, Pei Rong.. But too bad, Wang Sheng does not trust her wife, he thought that his wife was jealous.. Then, a brother of the general, Pang Yong, who loves Pei Rong and has left the village for 2 years came back and believe that there are spirits in the village..

Few ways have been done to check Xiaowei, but what they got is nothing.. They cannot prove that this girl is the devil... Running out of ways to prove it, Pei Rong came and confront Xiaowei by herself.. Both of them make a deal! Pei Rong have to drink a poison, then she has to say to the villagers that she is the devil... This all were done to keep her husband safe and to stop Xiaowei from killing the villagers..

Together with a devil executor, Xia Bing, Pang Yong kill those two devils.... and and ......

* * * * * * * * THE END * * * * * * * *


hummm... I do not know... I am not a good commentator.... haha..

BUT for me, it was a quite good movie.. In fact, I was sobbing when I watch it..

Check it on Wikipedia, it won few awards...

At the end I would like to say Thanks to my friend who gave me this movie... I have no idea how he know that this movie is SO me! =.="

BUT BUT.. I think... He is more than 50% right about this movie... LOL


Gosh!! Gosh!! Gosh...!! OMG!!!! Something wrong with me these two days... I have been eating like mad!!! Gooosh......!!

Obsession: SLIM!!!

And I have skipped 2 times gym this week.. Teheee... I am a dead meat!!! T___T

Jiayoooouuu!! I can do it!! I am SURE that will make it !! hohoho..... =p

Determination + hard work = Success.. =)

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Restaurant City on Facebook

hump hump hump... Wanted to blog about Painted Skin Movie, but I just realised that I do not have the picture of it, so I decided to blog about it later when I am home...

Again, at this hour, I am at office and doing nothing! Then decided to play Restaurant City on Facebook..... I am kinda addicted to this #1 cooking game on FB... My target was to get a free sushi bar by mastering Salmon Sashimi.. In order to master Salmon Sashimi, I have to get quite a number of Salmon and Wasabi, so... I cheat..... I asked my friends to send me Salmon and Wasabi everyday.. Haha... I even logged in to my friend's Facebook account, so I can send whatever ingredients I need... haha... I am smart... lol... Thanks so much to my friends! Now, I got my free Sushi Bar few days ago!! =p