Tuesday 31 August 2010

August is ending soooooonnnnnn

Awwww Awwww Awwww........ August is ending soooonnn..... and I have not reached my target yet!!! I almost get to my target, but I turned back, coz coz coz...... lot of unexplainable reasons... hahaha..... But.... WAIT..... I still have few more hours before August is really end.... *hoping hoping hoping* hahaha.... XD

Anyway..... August really was a month full of emotions...... happy ~ sad ~ worry ~ surprise ~ shock ~ disappoint ~ angry ~ fed up ~ upset ~ confuse ~ scare, all sort of feelings I have experienced through out this year's August.... XD

Those feeling were not so bad tho.... =)

~ I learned lots of new stuff....

~ Met new-fun friends...

~ Got my DSLR, CANON 550D.... *awww.... so happiee.... XD*

~ Got to know how ugly a truth can be.... *tears*

~ Learned that life will never free from insincere....

~ Learned to surrender everything to God.... Let God's plan works on me.....

~ Knew how worth is a drop of tear....

~ Learned how special and unique a moment is.... even the worst moment is special, coz you will never go back to the same moment with the same feeling....

~ Learned that life is also never get away from "make use of xxxx" hahaha.... well... we are human, we have ego..... =p

Sooo.... I would like to end August with a warm hug, and welcome September with a big-bright-smile on my face and say "Hi, September, lets make some wonderful moments together..." =D

Sunday 29 August 2010

Pondok Surya

hahayyyy...... My very 1st hunting session with my new D-SLR, CANON 550D was in Pondok Surya.... It was a great hunting session! I learned how to set the exposure, read the metering, set the manual focus, set the white balance, composition, etc etc... I learned, not mastered them yet! hahaha..... Sometimes my shot is off focus, thus I missed few great expression of the models.... T___T But, overall is good! hehehe....

My new-friends are all experts, they know well about SLR and photo editing... and me......... know NOTHING..... hikzzz.... but they don't mind to teach me.... that is what I like from them... =)

Special THanks to Jennie, who introduced me this guy, named Philip who then help me to buy SLR and invited me to join this photography group, "the art of light"... XD


I have not started to do editing since my lappie is just way too smart and too fast, thus I cannot operate the photo editors.... =_______="

So, here I am, writing this post...... T_______________T

Wednesday 25 August 2010

running is not a solution

Quite lot of stuffs happened during this short week... I hold myself to not blog about it, since most of the stuffs happened really are private stuffs.... =p

Anyway, what I learned this week is that

no matter how far, how fast, how long I run, I am still in my world.... Problems are still there, nothing has been solved by running....

running will not solve the problems, what running give you is a "fake" time, when you run too much, you will get exhausted yet you still have to face your un-solved problems....

The answers of all your problem is in you, your mindset!! Try to calm down and think from few different point of view, and u will get the answers... =)

Thursday 19 August 2010

Isolating myself....

I need to ISOLATE myself!!! I really need to be alone for at least ONE day!

I feel like going somewhere far away where no one know me, know nothing about my families, friends, or other things related to me! but HOW?

I have to clear my mind!! Seriously!!

Wednesday 18 August 2010

The 65th Indonesia's Independence Day, August 17th 2010

Yesterday, like I said earlier, it was a great day! After 'FangShen' and Vegetarian Bazzar, I had a celebration with another gang of mine... =p

We were celebrating the 65th Indonesia's Independence day!! hehehhe....

How we celebrate it??

Well... It was just a small gathering at Lee's house... It was our very first time celebrating Indonesia's 'birthday' together.... Simple yet memorable celebration.. XD

So, the 5 of us went to "Pasar Ramadhan" (a market selling all sort of dishes, deserts for Muslim Fasting) to hunt for Foods!! hahaha....

These are some pictures taken while we were in "Pasar Ramadhan"..........

Preety crowded,huh.?!

Actually all stands in "Pasar Ramadhan" are selling the same things, just that we don't know which one has the best foods.. hahaha... So it was fun to look around, walk here and there while guessing which stand has good foods! hahaha...

After done with the hunting session, we directly heading to Lee's house..... (backyard to be precise.. =))

These are our foods and desert.... The 4 girls had Fried Vermicelli, while Lee had Fried Noodle.. =).... As per desert, we had Es SumSum.. hahaha... I really have no idea how to describe this desert.. lol

Then we had good chat together, took pictures....XD

You know what?? One of our friend was "saltum" (wearing the wrong custom) haha... We have decided to wear Red and White (since Indonesia's Flag is Red and White)... BUT sheeee.... She wore BLACK!! hahaha..... She was totally out of the dresscode...! hahahaha....

And.... Actually I did wear the wrong Tshirt.... I was wearing "I love SG" t-shirt instead of wearing 'I love Indonesia"... hahahaha...... I am brilliant!!!

oh yaaa.... Before I forget... My friend's family who get married with a Canadian guy, is actually named their daughter "Merdeka"...... The moment my friend told me about this, I thought she was joking... but it is NOT a joke... They really named their daughter Merdeka.... OMG.... Can't they named her with more Canadian name? OMG....... OMG OMG...... I am speechless.......

'FangShen' and Vegeratian Bazzar

So far, August is still a emo-month to me... Despite of everything happened till today, yesterday was a great day!! The WHOLE day was great!

Yesterday, in the early morning, 6.30 am, I joined a Buddhism activity, named 'FangShen'. It is an action to let the animals free... humpp.... I don't really know how to explain.. haha...

Ok... At first we choose a certain animal, usually we 'FangShen' Birds, Turtles and/or Fishes. Then we buy the choosen animal(s). Once we buy, we go straight to a place to free the animal(s), pray for them, then let them free!! That is all... haha... Seems so easy rite... But your heart and will counts.... =)

Sooo.... Yesterday, we decided to 'FangShen' both Fishes and Birds. All of us gathered at Fera's house, Nahkoda Street.

Some of us go by car, some by motorcycle... =p

The place where we will let the Fishes free, Mahakam River's side...

Prayers.... I did not take part, since I am a Christian... The reason I was there is because I do not want to stay at home, do nothing! So, I joined them and took all these photographs... =p
and of course I want do some good 'Karma' =)

Time for the fishes to be free.... =) Hope they will grow bigger and be healthy fishes... =p

GROUP picture session! XD

Next, we are heading to Ekayana Buddhist Temple.. We play and took some photos while waiting for our friends (who went to buy Birds) come.. =p

So, same thing applies... pray and then let them free... Easy huh... =)

Thennnnn.... My brother, Grandmother, Aunt, Fera and I directly heading to another Buddhist Temple to visit Vegetarian Bazzar... =)

Overall, it was a good experience... I met new people, learn new things and most important is I did a good 'Karma'... =)

After that we went home.... Then... I got a celebration with another gang of mine (Indonesia's Independence Day!!!!..) =p