Monday 29 March 2010


Song Playing: Energy by Keri Hilson


Is it possible that 2 persons will be in love if they do not have chemistry between them??

I am so damn random.... At first wanted to blog about my doggies, ice cream, etc etc.. But I do not have the mood now.... Too much things to write and too little time I have....

Everyone has the same amount of time, some people cannot get everything planned done, but some people manage to get everything done in (or on) time... why???

Because NOT everyone know how to manage time well or they are not a good planner!

In my case..... I do not have a good time management and I always put everything in one day which obviously I cannot get those things done and then I will blame myself for being unable to achieve my goals........ Personality test that I took said that I am achiever-type kind a person..... Yet I often procrastinate tasks...... hahaha.....

Thursday 25 March 2010

My brain refuses to think!!

Maybe I am a brother complex....
Maybe I love my family too much....
Maybe I am just too worried....
Maybe I think too much....
Maybe I am just too idealistic....
Maybe I just do not (or can't) understand how they feel!!

I do not know....

My brain does not want to work!!

My brain refuses to think!!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

My cute-nice-pretty-artistic drawing

Instead of sleeping I go online and chat with my friends + snacking - keropok ikan palembang - Palembang's fish crackers (OMG!!! I am dead meat... T__T)

Then Then I draw a cute-nice-pretty-artistic drawing to one of the 2 friends whom I chatting to (called X).

That is my cute-nice-pretty-artistic drawing... hohoho......

1. short-hair girl
2. medium-hair girl
3. long and straight-hair girl
4. long and curly-hair girl

X should feel happy, isn't he?? coz he got 4 girls to choose from... hahahahaha........

How Sains explain Love

I was accidentally found this article:

It is written in Indonesian.. haha... I am too lazy to translate it... because it is just full of jargon which I do not know what kind of hormone, enzyme, etc etc.. haha....

For me, Love is just something that cannot be fully understood... hahaha...... It is complicated, un-explainable, un-expected, un-believable, weird, etc etc... Dunno laaa... haha....

I am DONE!

Yippie..... I am 10++ days ahead of the estimated time to get 1000 stars done! I just finished calculating those stars and YAP! All = 1000 stars!! XD Also I finished it at 00.00..... lucky! hahaha.... =p

Now left to make a wish and decorate it!! hehe.... *thinking* *thinking* ehehe
I got few ideas, but do not know which one nicer or better choice... hehe...... leave it for tomorrow.... =)

hueee..... I sleep late again!! T__T

Tomorrow working again....

My life now is like:

Wake up --> Shower --> Breakfast --> Office (lunch @ office) --> Go back home --> Shower --> Dinner --> Accompany my mom to go here and there, play The Sims3, Chatting --> Sleep --> Wake up again.... same thing happen whole day... T___T

Starting tomorrow: photography time!! hehehe... time to find out more, learn more! =p

OK oK... I shall sleep now...

Healty life Healty life Healty life Healty life Healty life... =p

Sunday 21 March 2010

1st capture

Upz... I still have one more thing that I want to blog.... It is about my 1st capture using Sony DSLR which I do not know what model it is... haha...

1st capture
Neil, laptop, stars inside a jar, and books which I have not finish reading yet....

blaaah..... I do not know this one is after how many clicks.. haha....

captured before I went out this evening! =p

Yeeer... SO ugly.......... haha....

eh eh... I noticed that the outcome of the last two pictures are not that good... I can see noise there.... What is wrong?? T.T I still have to learn lots of thing! Collect more knowledge and information and practice!!!

Practice makes perfect, isn't it?? =D

I want go to sleep... BUT my bro is not home yet... I have to wait him, coz he did not bring house key........... haihz...... Brooooooo faster go homeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy....
I am sleepy, my dear broooo....... T.T

My life here and there

Since I am in my hometown, my life is so SUPER not healthy...

1. most of the time, sleep late at night (e.g last night slept around 3 am)
2. no exercise
3. not taking any food supplements
4. often wake up late
5. sometimes sleep less then 6 hours per day (e.g. this morning woke up at 5 am, which means that I sleep for 2 hours ONLY!

Back in Malaysia, I was more discipline...!!

Although I also sleep late at night, but I took lots of food supplement..
Did Detox for few times..
Once joined Celebrity Fitness for few months..
Go for jogging (either morning or evening).. Walk to my college, it can be considered as small exercise because my house was not really near to my college (10 mins walking)..
Join few sport competitions (I was the 2nd fastest runner on 5 km women category 2008) *proud* lol

etc etc

haihz... I really want to have a healthy life!!

Starting tonight, I want to sleep early, wake up early, have a proper breakfast, taking food supplements, join a gym or go swimming / jogging / aerobic or whatever it is...

Gotta off sooon......... Tomorrow = working... T_______T

Gambatte, pHiee!!!! Semangat!!! I know I can do it!!! =p


Song playing: Fight for this love by Cherly Cole


Eating: I do not know what is this called... haha

Time: 11.46 pm


"Anything that's worth having Is sure enough worth fighting for"

# of time song repeated: 10++. 12?? 15?? Did not count it...

Reason of repeating:

* Nothing to do
** Cannot sleep though I am sleepy
*** NO other songs in my mind
**** Boring
***** Boring
****** Boring
******* Boring
******** This song reminds me on something, someone.... =.="
********* The melody is just right with my mood now... hahaha...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... I saw a cockroach walking on the floor next to the chair where I am sitting now a few seconds ago...... T_______________________T *legs up automatically* *shocked* *shocked*

Luckily it did not touch my foot... OMG!!! I am afraid of cockroach........ SUPER afraid I tell u! Now the cockroach is hiding in the bottom of my bed.......................... Gosh......

*run* gotta find help...... T_______T

Saturday 20 March 2010

Dumpling Soup and 'Kue's

Yesterday night I was starving because I only had 'Sawi', one kind of green leaf vegetables, without rice or anything! Then around 10 pm I started to feel hungry, but I did not bother because I thought of sleeping early... However, until 11.xx pm I have not sleep yet, then I was really really starving! So, I decided to have something. When I got to the kitchen I got nothing to eat.. But then I saw a dumpling wrapper and some other raw ingredients,....... Then my mood to cook suddenly appearred and .... YAp! I cooked! hehe.... Here a picture of it:

It may looks ugly, but it taste not bad..... I feel like cooking it again NOW! hahaha.....

Another thing is that Today I ate lots of 'kue' (traditional cake ala Indonesia. hahaha...)

'Kue' that I love the MOST since I was kid until now isss:

'Apam Hijau'

I really really love this 'kue'!! I can eat lots of 'Apam Hijau'! When I was kid, I always went to 'pasar' (market) with my mom and I will never forget to ask my mom to buy 'Apam Hijau' for me... haha.... When she forgot I will cry... lol

It is soft and not sweet, but it still have taste of uuum pandan maybe... hehe.. I am not really sure.... lol

'Bika Ambon'

Actually this 'kue' is special from Medan, but it is in diffeent shape. In Medan 'Bika Ambon' is square-shaped! But here, in Samarinda it is round-shaped.

hummm.. no idea what is this..... I bought it because its color is so cute... haha... but the taste is not cute at all... Tastelesss.... That is why I did not finish it off... lol...

humm.... I also have no idea what is this.. My mom said one of my relatives made it... It is made for 'sembahyang' (pray) purposes... It is hard and get harden by the time! It is not really sweet (uses brown sugar) and a little bit chewy... =p I kinda like it... hehe...

Friday 19 March 2010

Nyepi = Ngerame! lol

On 16 March 2010, there was a celebration called 'Nyepi' Day. 'Nyepi' in Indonesian means 'Silence'. Thus Nyepi is also known as Day of Silence. Bali Island is a good place to experience 'Nyepi', because most of Balinese are Hindu ('Nyepi is a Hindu custom).

Like its name suggested, on 'Nyepi' day, all Hindu people HAVE to turn off all electricities, make NO noise, and stay indoors... Even the tourists were required to stay in the Hotels.. Only Hotels were allowed to operate on that day.. Airport, Ports, Harbours were closed from 6.00 am Tuesday March 16 2010 until Wednesday March 17 2010..

Whoever got caught too be outside during the silent period will be forced to go back to their homes or hotels by 'Pecalangs' (the island's traditional village-level security officers). Exemptions are only given to emergency vehicles and personnels.

wow! It sounds so challenging for me, since I cannot live without my laptop and internet connection! Besides, I have a phobia of dark and small space.... BUT I really really want to experience Nyepi in Bali.. BUT I did not get to experience that... T__T

That is not my point here.... What I really wanted to blog is HERE:

On that day, I wanted to celebrate it with some of my friends.... BUT in here, Samarinda there is such day called Nyepi... haha... All street lights are ON! Shopping Centre was operating like usual.... Then we ended up go to Timezone, a place where we can find electronic games! haha... SO, instead of Nyepi (Silence) we were Ngerame (Make noise) haha..... Oh ya.... 2 of my cousins were joining us that day! They were really really noisy!! lol

Three of my friends who were with me on that day.
My 2 cousins were busy playing.... =.="

Wuiih.... Amah got Jackpot!!! She was really really lucky that day. She got 2 Jackpots within 1/2 an hour!

This was the 2nd games Amah play!

See... She got Jackpot again! What a luck! ckckckc

haha... He was in charge of taking care one of my 2 cousins (the younger one)

That is all.... haha.....

Stars Stars Stars STARS

Today I was so energetic to make stars, I made 300 stars!!! Both index and thumb were so pain.... Even when I was inside my brother's car, I am still folding paper! hahaha....

Now in total I have 580 stars!! Yay!! 420 more to go... =)

Look at my both thumb and index! I even got paper cut! *ouch*

See... My index is more reddish than other fingers. T.T

I was at my Daddy's office when I make those stars..
And I did not bring the jar, so i put it inside a plastic bag... hehe.

This is how many I got for today! haha... Time to count it!!! =p

HooHoo... Tomorrow need to buy new papers, because I finished all them off today! haha.... 420 420 420 420 more to goooo.... yay!!!! hehehe.....

I am hungryyyyyyyyy..... gruu gruu gruu...... Time to cook!! hehehe.... cya! =)

Thursday 18 March 2010

New thing to do... =)

haha... Finally I found something else to kill time!!! hohoho.... That something is making 1000 stars.... Whoohoo... XD

measure, cut and shape myself.. hehehe...

measure : 0.7cm x 16 cm

1st step in making star! Tied it but do NOT press it to hard else the shape will be ugly... haha...

So far I have done 270 stars.... hehe... Hoping to finish it a.s.a.p... Can I make 1000 stars in 3 days?? hmmm..... I will try my best.. =p

This love-shaped jar is only full of 110 stars! Need to find a bigger jar.... hehehe

Come to think of it, it started when I was cleaning up my room and I found my un-used star paper (which I think I have mentioned in my earlier post)... Then suddenly I thought of making 1000 stars for decoration purposes! hohoho... However, since now is near to 'something' (which I hope I can blog about is one day! hehe... =p) so I decided to make 1000 stars and make a wish! hahaha.... Lots of people doing that, ok?? I am not the only one... *defense* haha....

Talking about cleaning, I found few childish things... haha... I have no idea, why I am still keeping those things... lol

Souvenir from Banjarmasin (Given by Gun-Gun, I bet she has forgotten about this... hahahah....)

Mommy's Music Box (It is very old and not functioning anymore)

My 1st ring!

It is very very very thin... You can even shape it with your own hand..
hahaha... I did try that is why the shape is no longer a perfect round... lol

Stuffs inside the musix box

Name Cards of few friend

List of students

List of things that we bought to paint and re-decorate our classroom

physics exercise and the resistors for experiment

Love-shaped Jar

Star-shaped Jar (Still empty when I found it)

This is all I got from the un-used star paper I found! =)

Stars Stars Stars....

The other jar full of stars is a present from GruGru (one of my best friends' nick name)! A farewell present! T.T She gave me when all of us (a group of my best friends) had a lunch together at Pizza Hut.. She also gave me a card with a short story about her, my other best friends, and I... OMG! I cried like mad when I was reading it (when I was inside the plane, going to the USA)... My tears were un-stoppable! I missed them sooo much... SO so much..... Since then I decided to visit them in Australia... And you know what?? I really MADE it!! I went to Australia and had GREAT times with them... Gosh! Now I miss them.... Miss those moments we spent together.... T______________T Love ya all, always!!! XOXO....

Upz... I run out of the topic... Back to topic Back to topic..... humm.... Making stars Making stars... OK I shall continue making stars... hahaha.... cya! lol

Wednesday 17 March 2010


I just cannot accept the feeling of over protected...

Helloo..!! I am almost turning to 21 yrs old, I know what I am doing.. I know who are my friends and who are not....

Tuesday 16 March 2010


yoo... I am still alive as in not sleeping.. haha... I was saying I want to sleep few hours ago.. BUT cannot... my head, thigh and leg HURT.... T____T Bruises and swollen.... T________T

Anyway... Since I cannot sleep of course I go online... haha... Then I simply check one of my friends (called A's) profile n pictures.... huahaha... I am not a stalker ok! I am just wondering how is A doing... Judging from the pictures of A, I think A is doing great! Glad to see that... =)

Another thing is... Last night I was looking at another friend's picture (called B)... haha.. I did not see much pictures of B... I guess B is busy working.. Besides, B is not a facebook-type kinda person! haha... So, cannot see any update from B...

humm.... Why am I writing this kind of things?? ckckckc....

Oh yaa... I have forgotten that yesterday was my Neil's birthday! haha... Neil is my Teddy Bear! I got Neil as my 'White Day' present.... =) If I am not wrong... It was 15 March 2005... It means he is 5 yrs old.. hahaha.....

He is the only Teddy Bear in my room, because mommy said I am too old to play with Teddy Bear or other soft toys! T_T


humm.... oh yaa.... Today I am going to go out with some of mt friends... Celebrating Nyepii tgt, though we are not Hindu... haha.... Going to take lots of pic... hohoho.... cya! =)

Yesterday Yesterday Yesterday!

hoaaam...... *yawn-ing* It is 7.xx a.m.. I am freaking sleepy.. my eyes turned to be panda eyes... O.O

OK, back to topic... I wanted to recall what happened yesterday.. coz I was toooo busy and sleepy to blog yesterday.. haha....

* Wake up early, by 8.00 a.m -- Failed!!! I woke up at 9.xx a.m. haha…. Sleeping bear

* Congrats a friend of mine who start working yesterday!! YAP... I did! Happy for him, He got the job that he always want!! All the best, brooo! =)

* Clean my bed

* Shower

* Had breakfast -- nasgor (a.k.a Fried Rice) cooked by my mom who always proud of her cooking skills….. She even keep reminding me that one of my cousins asked her to sent over her so called DELICIOUS fried rice…. =.=”

* Clean my room and stuffs -- my stuffs are all over places…. Hahaha….

My stuffs inside my room (before)

My stuffs outside my room (before)

in progress

My stuffs after!

Can you tell the differences??? I think I did not clean it properly… What I did is only put my stuffs inside some boxes!!!!! OMG……………………….! I am… It means today I have to get it DONE perfectly!!!!!! T____T

* Lunch time -- Did not have proper lunch, coz I was full… I had a slice of bread…

* Go to ‘Telkomsel’ to activate my BBM (Blackberry Messenger)… That was my initial plan.. but again… I lazy to go out from my small-comfortable-single-room! hahaha…

my poor BlackBerry. lol

* Read Photographic book that I bought 2 weeks ago and start practicing!! -- FAILED! I took camera at night… coz again…. I am sure!... lol

books that I have not finished reading

* Had dinner -- Fried fish….

* Go to Pharmacy -- buy medicine of course, or else what for go to Pharmacy…. BUT I forgot to but what I was looking for… haha… smart right?? LOL.

* Take DSLR from my Uncle -- whoohoo… SONY DSLR is in MY hand!!! Time to practice with it!! Improve skillsssssss and get fun… hehehe… But… Wait! I have to buy the memory 1st… T_T and today is ‘nyepi’…. Are there any camera shops open?? T_T

my first cameraaa..... =)

My precious camera!

OThough now it cannot function properly, but I still love it!

because I have spent lots of time with this camera. I brought it to everywhere I travel to! =)

DSLR that I just took from my Uncle... Thanks Uncle! =)

* Online -- Blogging, MSN-ing, Facebook-ing, Browsing, etc etc…. oh yaa… adding one more which was not inside my list…… Making stars from paper!!! Huahaha… Suddenly I have the mood and I finished the whole un-used star-paper….

found the un-used star papers and the bottle! hehe

-- SLeeeeeppppppping timeeeee…………………… I cannot sleep until 3 a.m. this morning….. coz coz…. NOT reasons… !! I just cannot close my eyes and have a nice dream...

eehh... I think it was due to my HEAD!! I fell in bathroom yesterday.. and I BANG my head!!! As a result I had an EGG!!! *ouch* *ouch* Pain.... Pain.... T___T When I put my head down, it hurts..... T____T mayb coz of that I did not have a sound sleep..... T___T

Then this morning… I woke up at 7.00 a.m. Thanks to my GENIUS alarm which does not know that today is PUBLIC holiday (‘Nyepi’ for Hinduism) so that NO working!!! – OR maybe I am the genius who forgot to turn off the alarm… hahahahaha……

Next day: WORKING!!! T__________________T

I am sleepy…. So SO sleepy….. I do not know why I blog instead of sleeping… =.=”

Ok… bye… Gotta sleep NOW….! caoo……. zzZZZZ

PS: I think the font-ing thingy will be very funny n wierd.. haha... I typed in Ms. Word then I copy paste here... and Everything messed up........... =.=" I am too sleepy to change everything from the very beginning... haha...