Saturday 20 March 2010

Dumpling Soup and 'Kue's

Yesterday night I was starving because I only had 'Sawi', one kind of green leaf vegetables, without rice or anything! Then around 10 pm I started to feel hungry, but I did not bother because I thought of sleeping early... However, until 11.xx pm I have not sleep yet, then I was really really starving! So, I decided to have something. When I got to the kitchen I got nothing to eat.. But then I saw a dumpling wrapper and some other raw ingredients,....... Then my mood to cook suddenly appearred and .... YAp! I cooked! hehe.... Here a picture of it:

It may looks ugly, but it taste not bad..... I feel like cooking it again NOW! hahaha.....

Another thing is that Today I ate lots of 'kue' (traditional cake ala Indonesia. hahaha...)

'Kue' that I love the MOST since I was kid until now isss:

'Apam Hijau'

I really really love this 'kue'!! I can eat lots of 'Apam Hijau'! When I was kid, I always went to 'pasar' (market) with my mom and I will never forget to ask my mom to buy 'Apam Hijau' for me... haha.... When she forgot I will cry... lol

It is soft and not sweet, but it still have taste of uuum pandan maybe... hehe.. I am not really sure.... lol

'Bika Ambon'

Actually this 'kue' is special from Medan, but it is in diffeent shape. In Medan 'Bika Ambon' is square-shaped! But here, in Samarinda it is round-shaped.

hummm.. no idea what is this..... I bought it because its color is so cute... haha... but the taste is not cute at all... Tastelesss.... That is why I did not finish it off... lol...

humm.... I also have no idea what is this.. My mom said one of my relatives made it... It is made for 'sembahyang' (pray) purposes... It is hard and get harden by the time! It is not really sweet (uses brown sugar) and a little bit chewy... =p I kinda like it... hehe...

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